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About Tillka

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  • Xanadu
    Blastonia Q25

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  1. Dark can you make a bulk of large brazier bowls( around 10-20)?
  2. As we don't have pizza, or buritos or shaormas :))
  3. Can't wait to see what's going to look like
  4. I'd like to see each armor on stand, with their design, so far all armor stands look the same...
  5. Let the pie rullz rule the game! :))
  6. I never reached limit yet but I have to admit as soon as I will have my armor smithing skill up and will have to imp and make stuf... that will be sad... so +1
  7. Bats

    The more the better I'd love to have an white owl as pet :)) in game
  8. ||Lol you made to much big changes, I liked the wild area around now there are to many main roads designs >.<
  9. +1 wouldn't mind to fish a Magazine or a pair of cloth boots from the water =))
  10. +1 if not for real as a monster, at least as a new statue or something would be nice!
  11. Bats

    In that point I'd say even Gargoyles have a place in game :)) or owls
  12. You sure you won't gett it from simply mining a rock tile instead of a vein ?
  13. Blastonia(Q 25, East of Esteron) is now Recruiting New and Seasoned(Fun, Team worker, sociable, with or without Ketchup on top!) Players. We can give Daily Tasks, Premium Help, Skill Grinding, Resources and even Free Beds. Join us! Leave a message and one of the village managers will get in contact with you! http://imgur.com/a/cNI22