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Everything posted by Chansbi

  1. Nothing but respect for sharing that Berris.
  2. Rest easy Muhammad Ali!
  3. Battle another ENEMY player and a different player within like a 4 or 5 day span?
  4. If you have 3k karma you can summon your corpse, or you can have someone locate your corpse with locate soul perhaps?
  5. Lol. Definitely one of the best recruitment pictures.
  6. I'm having the same damn issue and it will not work to do anything when i try to take items out although I have the key.
  7. I hate to say this for such a wonderful saw, but why do people improve it to exactly 90.00 quality? It really isn't even 90 quality then. :/ Good luck with the sale m8.
  8. Thought it was fixed. And what setting do I use to turn it off?
  9. PvP rulers do. Freedom does not have a so called "ruler" though that I'm aware of.
  10. When I thought the modders were out of ideas... Then here comes this amazing mod. <33
  11. Still haven't figured out this bug. Help me because I find it bull*hit why I'm getting thrown randomly off my horse.
  12. I was running from like 3 hell hounds on Serenity and randomly disembarked from my horse WITHOUT even clicking disembark and then I was killed because my horse wouldn't even give me the lead option.
  13. Come to epic! Less players. :DDD
  14. Get this kid a little sample of what Egard tastes like.
  15. What is this? And why are you looking for Egard? What is this even relevant to?
  16. I find this funny. What does it teach you about paypal and purchasing and selling things on a game? Do NOT do it. No I am not affiliated with Niru or have any idea who he is, so do not go start making assumptions because I stated my opinion.
  17. That's an implementation to be proud of! Macroing! Hehe.
  18. 1) Macroing is permitted on Desolation v3 Great idea for a PvP server. Just take all the legit pvp away from Epic and Chaos please.
  19. You do not even leave your deed anywho MrGARY. So once you start hoppin out of your deed, then maybe you can, you know... Talk about PvP changes. Anyways, does this Rift implementation spawn like Runescape-bosses or more of keeping it wurm style, like a champion troll or some such?
  20. So I have like a 14 second foraging and botanizing timer and when I am leading my horse and I forage or botanize the ground, it starts the 14 second timer. And lets just say I activate anything in my inventory and right click my horse and select tame. It instantly finishes the forage / botanize action, and I still receive the item from foraging or botanizing. It doesn't say I got the item in event tab, but it shows in my inventory.