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Everything posted by Ayluin

  1. Yeah the fixvbo is a client mod not a server mod, so you can install it in your mods anytime provided you use mods. But compatibility works just as well.
  2. Try this mod: https://github.com/bdew-wurm/fixvbo/releases/tag/v0.2 If that doesn't work, try changing your settings in Wurm on the Compatibility tab to VBO: Extension rather than "Core"
  3. Sorry if you were confused. I did not claim my server had 250 players. I said that https://steamcharts.com/app/366220#All showed ~250 players daily. That is for all of WU, not my server. I do not lie or fake numbers on my server. I have no interest in faking the numbers. My current server is averaging [16:20:05] 44 other players are online. You are on Genesis (46 totally in Wurm). But that is because we just did a fresh launch. I imagine the numbers will wane over time. Hope that fixes the confusion!
  4. Hello again Nevermind. Just me being an idiot yet again. Didn't test it using a player that wasn't the owner. Works as intended. Upgraded back to new version and everything looks great. Sorry for the ping. Don't know if editing undoes it.Thanks for the great mod.
  5. Added Decorations v2.0 mod.
  6. If it's already dead, you'll have to get DB Browser for SQLite, simple google seach will yield the program. With the server shut off, you open customtrader.db and delete the rows where the id's are not being used. So if I no longer had 58704086158849 for example, I would delete that row. You click on the 1 to select the row, delete it. At the top click "Write Changes" (That is essentially save file) then close the database. Make sure it is fully closed. This means it needs to just say customtrader.db in your folder. Once done, upload it back to the server or copy it back to the sqlite directory if playing on home server. Then relaunch the server and the error should stop. It would be prudent to go to all of your custom traders in use and get their ID on a GM via GMTool (bind 1 GMTOOL) and hover over them press 1 and get their WurmIDs so you don't delete them. If you're asking just how to properly dismiss a trader, ebony wand, right click on the custom trader. Select Manage and you'll be greeted with the following window: Hope that helps!
  7. Ah yeah, FixVBO is a client mod, not a server mod. Should have specified that I suppose. Should never have gone into your server directory.
  8. Creating altars does not help. Altars can be summoned to the location you desire. End-game items needs to be enabled in the GUI. The locations are in the middle of the map at the north for white, and south for black. You may need to use FixVBO mod for your client to see the beams. If you're not into adding mods, then changing renderer on client to legacy can help, and if that doesn't fix it then you would need to go to compatibility tab and change FBO to extension. In general, I find that it's just easier to install the FixVBO mod which can be found here: https://github.com/bdew-wurm/fixvbo/releases/tag/v0.2
  9. All of the following message is meant to be a in a pragmatic tone to address the state of WU not how to make your server more popular which seems to be how this thread is trending, so don't take anything I say personally as I have no interest in sparking a debate. 1. Wurm Unlimited is purely a Steam game. The keys are cheap enough. There was never enough advertisement for WO or WU to gain the attention of a 'mass' playerbase. This has been touched on for years upon years within the WO community. The decline of WU specifically is impacted on the lack of feature development from WO, which to be fair, hasn't added anything of huge value since Rifts. Sure there's the occasional item here or there, and they did a fair job overhauling the UI whether one prefers the old UI or not, other than that, I don't know what'new' features have been added that really impact people on playing WO. People quitting WU due to the fact WO dropped support is their own choice, but this is fairly anecdotal in nature. Modders have added features into WU that WO does not have, or have later adapted to their own codebase. Much like we have variations of their Rifts in mods. The numbers do not lie. https://steamcharts.com/app/366220#All The peak popularity of Wurm Unlimited was on launch which still was less than 2000 players. When I begain my server in 2019, it was around 500 players. As of late it is around 250 players or so daily. 2. The amount of servers in the launcher. At the time of writing this, there are 129 servers online in the launcher. 29 of these are password protected. This leaves 120 publicly available servers to choose from. 49 of these servers have at least 1 player on them. The Wurm Server Launcher is misleading. Numbers can be and are faked by various servers for whatever purposes serve them. At the time of writing this there are "414" players online which doesn't add up when looking at Steamcharts. Additionally due to the implementation of login servers being the required point of contact and not everyone knowing how to hide their cluster from the steam query or choosing not to this also inflates the number of publicly available servers. A hypothetical approach: Ah yes, I've heard of Wurm Unlimited through WO or a friend. I purchase the game on steam. I launch this bad boy up. I now have to choose from 120 different servers. How do I pick!?!? Well I can look at the forums to see which threads have been updated recently, I can look at the launcher and sort by players or ping based on my preference, I could look on the ranking website wurm-unlimited.com. But if I have no real knowledge of Wurm and just picked it up in a humble bundle and want to give it a go, I will likely end up on a dead server that has not been active in any fashion and get killed by an overwhelming amount of creatures in default starter gear within an hour and never login again. Or I'll join one of them super large populated servers and either land on a login server where I have to make another choice to go through a portal to pick my server, and when I arrive I say Hiya in GL-Freedom (If I even know what that means as a new player) and am greeted with crickets. I never login again. 3. Anyone can make a server, and this is the way it should be. Unfortunately, this is not a straight-forward process. If you have no knowledge of how to set up a dedicated server or a virtual private server, you are left with game hosts being the only viable option (Pingperfect, GTX, Citadel). There is one official documentation page on how to setup a server that has not been touched or updated since 2016 https://www.wurmpedia.com/index.php/Server_administration_(Wurm_Unlimited) While it does a moderately decent job in terms of how to setup a server on Windows or Linux, some dependencies do not even exist in the current repos of Ubuntu and since the game is no longer developed, the guide then becomes difficult to follow and relies upon third-party help to get you up and going. This pushes so many people into paying the same price for a game hosting provider with a nice dashboard that unfortunately do not care about Wurm Unlimited due to its low playerbase; it's not their bread and butter like Minecraft, 7days to die, etc. These game hosting providers have their flaws, and no I'm not willing to argue on this for anyone coming out of the woods to claim any of them are perfect and do not have issues. These flaws range from one-click installation of mods that are outdated and/or improperly archived to killing the process instead of shutting the server down correctly which over repeated time will eventually corrupt the map and or database. You could be really lucky and not experience this for over a year, but it will happen eventually. But backups exist so you just restore, lose a day of progress or whatever you set your shutdown/backup schedule to on these dashboards since none of them can backup in real-time, and go again. Without sufficient knowledge of how run a server on a dedicated or VPS or knowing how to add mods manually, write mods for your server, get someone to write the mod for you, you're boned. The server creation standard: I'm gonna make the best Wurm Unlimited server ever created! I'm gonna have so many players it's going to be the best. I run my credit card through pingperfect and wambo bambo I have a server ready to go. I post on them forums, and woohoo! Here we go! Oh wait this user wants what mod? How do I get that? Oh I can install it on the dash panel okay great. One second guys, server's shutting down. Got it. Great. Boot it back up. Two days later, another mod needed? Okay I know how to do this I go to the dashbo- Oh wait.... They don't have this mod. What do I do now? Well we can live without it sorry guys! A few days/months later, I have this great idea for a mod! I will go to the modding discord and tell them about it. Oh there's about like 6 people who actually code anymore and none of them want to invest in it. Well nevermind, I'll learn that java one day and do it myself. 4. The amount of "pop-up" servers. I'm sure anyone who has played WU long enough knows exactly what I'm talking about. A new server on the forums, launcher, ranking site or word of mouth. People flock to it because it's new, argue with the owner about the settings, maybe even convince them to add mods or adjust settings they never wanted to touch. A month later, the server is gone. Okay maybe that's a bit dramatic, let's say within 3 months. All of the work you've done on that server as a player whether it's 1x/1x or 100x/100x is gone and now you've invalidated a bunch of people's time. This is the most common complaint in the MMO industry right now right? Don't waste players' time/Respect our time. Hell, even I encountered this when leaving WO as a CA/WA and going into my WU retirement. I joined a pingperfect server, the dude found out about my history on WO, made me GM. He assured me that he paid the server for a full year and don't even worry about it bud. Of course I was skeptical, so I looked into pingperfect and saw (at least at the time, don't know about now) that there was no such payment option for annual. I quietly began making my own server and sure enough on the renewal date, the server poofed, the owner never responded on discord, and that's how my server came to be. I could only handle this so many times before I abandoned the concept of WU entirely which has been touched on by others above this post. 5. Modding limitations, model limitations, animation limitations. I touched a bit on this briefly before. There are two modding discord servers for anyone to access. One was originally started by WO devs and has since been transferred to Bdew. The other was started by Angie around the time WO dropped support for WU and the first hadn't been handed over to Bdew. There are so many resources on these discord servers from video tutorials on how to create your first mod to how to create new models in blender, hell we even have a whole different forum from the official forums, but I'm not linking it on this post as it may be a conflict of interest. At any rate, we constantly get feedback from server owners or players asking can you make this? Can you do that? The answer generally is yes. I don't think any one is interested in monetary compensation for creating a few lines of java. Sometimes I fill a request and send it off via DM to the user, sometimes I post it if I think it's going to be generally helpful for lots of people, but that usually isn't the case. Model limitations exist due to the amount of polygons Wurm Unlimited can handle. You have to settle for some pretty basic stuff and then create your own textures utilizing Blender to create the collada file to add it to a pack in a mod to put in the game, and Bdew even created a collda to WOM converter to try and standardize the format to match what WO uses. Yet, even after all of these tweaks, there are still some enigmas that exist like how to get animations to work for new creature models. It's fine and well to create new models, but if they just sit there and are static, it looks quite boring. Frankly, all of it is possible, but the amount of time and effort to produce one single item with a custom model, texture, and the code to get it into the game generally just isn't worth it. So I think it's great to ask these sort of questions from time to time. Find out what real people who have played the game think. See how they feel. But when you look at that Steam Chart it's pretty evident that while there may have been some dips during valheim, ark stuff, V Rising, Palworld, etc. we're never going to have a mass renaissance of Wurm Unlimited. I think as a server owner now, you make a server with the best of intentions, moderate it appropriately, enjoy the time you have with it while it is popular, continue to support it until there's no one left or until you can no longer afford to run it, and then move on. And of course, always come back when the nostalgia wave hits you. It happens to us all I imagine. Maybe some of us don't act on it anymore, but I think the majority of WO or WU players will look back on their experience as a mixed bag of shenanigans, maybe postively, maybe negatively, but fun nonetheless.
  10. The way the mod is written, it will only pass through one set of tilex and tiley, setting multiple in the .properties file will not create additional points of redbeam. You would need to re-write the mod.
  11. [08:40:31 PM] INFO com.wurmonline.server.creatures.Creatures: null java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor16.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498) at mod.wurmunlimited.npcs.customtrader.CustomTraderMod.poll(CustomTraderMod.java:146) at org.gotti.wurmunlimited.modloader.classhooks.HookManager.invoke(HookManager.java:384) at com.wurmonline.server.creatures.Creature.poll(Creature.java) at com.wurmonline.server.creatures.Creatures.pollAllCreatures(Creatures.java:1834) at com.wurmonline.server.zones.Zones.pollNextZones(Zones.java:1975) at com.wurmonline.server.Server.run(Server.java:1911) at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(Timer.java:555) at java.util.TimerThread.run(Timer.java:505) Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException at com.wurmonline.server.kingdom.GuardTower.getKingdom(GuardTower.java:111) at com.wurmonline.server.creatures.Creature.checkForEnemies(Creature.java:17183) at com.wurmonline.server.creatures.Creature.checkForEnemies(Creature.java:17176) at com.wurmonline.server.creatures.Creature.poll$1(Creature.java:6219) ... 11 more After a year or so with this issue, I finally decided I'd sort it out and properly spend some time on it. I ignored it because it's simply an INFO level log that never impacted the server. I agreed with you about a tower guard going rogue based on the stack trace. I evaluated all guard towers for proper auxdata, all tower guards for correct kingdom, all tower guards in wurmzones.db being assigned to correct towers and came up empty. Even stranger, the custom traders were outside of the influence of any nearby guard tower. So I decided to look in the customtrader.db. Turns out I had a total of 5 custom trader entries where my server only uses 2 custom traders. I assume because we did not Manage > Dismiss the 3 other custom traders we've used on the server in the past (I cannot say whether it was me or another random GM who just outright destroyed the trader, as we have used the mod for many years 😄) The trader entries were still there. I manually deleted the rows in the Traders table that did not match with our current 2 traders. The log spam is gone. There are no more errors with the custom trader mod. I think, because of the way it's injected into the poll it still checks for those custom traders and then produces a null reference in Creatures since there is no creature with that ID. The rest of the spam, I'm not sure how it logically arrives to the GuardTower part, but at any rate, fixed the issue. Thought I'd share the happy update. Thanks for this great mod.
  12. Tree Planters

    You need to mod your client to get serverpacks and then they will look like the above image.
  13. You aren't getting the server pack for this mod from the server. This means either you have not added serverpacks to your client mod list or don't have a modded client.
  14. Renamed

    Hello friends, we are still here and going strong! Tired of the drama-lama, come join us!
  15. This is a very old bug. I had it in June 2019 per my discord records. iirc it's an issue with the die hook in treasuremaps that was eventually fixed. Idk why it would be recropping up now but I imagine that it probably depends on where they are getting the files from. I'm sure your version is fixed. Revelation: [05:13:50 AM] INFO com.pveplands.treasurehunting.Treasuremap (vnull): Checking if creature aged avenger (id 9704934985217) at 2598, 1744 aged 18 (cared for by? Nobody) should drop a treasuremap. [05:13:50 AM] INFO mod.sin.wyvern.bounty.PlayerBounty: Wigalle killed aged avenger Revelation: And then you enter combat with another one. With the same wurm ID. It would basically just respawn invisible mobs until you restarted server. PVEpLands version is still out there and people probably still grab it on occasion. https://github.com/dmon82/TreasureHunting/blob/d29edcae5420dc94f86b6e457e5e421e55562489/src/com/pveplands/treasurehunting/TreasureHunting.java#L99 https://github.com/Sindusk/TreasureHunting/blob/6fd593bf30f5d3bf503f1ad67faec57b719654c8/src/main/java/com/pveplands/treasurehunting/TreasureHunting.java#L159
  16. I looked up in the thread and saw that the buyer mod has an update for the npc to face the player when turning, can this be added to CustomTraders as well, they all face south on my server. I didn't see it in the .properties as an option.
  17. Renamed

    2023 Impalong Event We are having our Impalong event this weekend! Enjoy all the amenities, games, and challenges while you get your items improved. A great time to start up and make some tools if you are interested in joinin Genesis. The event will run from Friday - Sunday. I hope to see you all there! Website: http://genesiswurm.com Livemap: http://genesiswurm.com/map/index.html Discord: http://discord.gg/ShduG5RssV
  18. Yes you are correct, I did not take into consideration Creative v. Adventure! Good call.
  19. Base treasure chests exist on the map generally. Treasurehunting mod adds dynamic maps. Unlimited allows bridges to be done single player, plant the pole and make it as if someone else was holding it, if too far away you'll need a spyglass to plan with dioptra. You can create as many as you want Creative/Adventure/Named1/Named2/Named3, etc. Each one will have its own database and settings to configure.
  20. .

    You posted in WU not on WO.
  21. Well this isn't much more helpful, but this is the first time it happens in the server.log and then the previous post just recycles the INFO message.
  22. @MthecBeen having this error for a long while now but have been ignoring it since it's just INFO and not seeming to cause any issues. However, wondered if there is a fix for this: Could be a mod conflict on my end. Any thoughts would be appreciated!
  23. Renamed

    Server is still active and running! Come give Genesis a try. Website: http://genesiswurm.com Livemap: http://genesiswurm.com/map/index.html Discord: http://discord.gg/ShduG5RssV