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Everything posted by Tomatoes

  1. Ya, but its not like they are tracked, or if they are, they are not someplace we players can see that they have been added to a bug tracking database.....but then exploits happen too, so there would still be 'hidden' bugs due to that too. Definitely would love to see server crossings fixed, it is annoying to have to call on a GM when all you are trying do to is get home after an impalong or some other event, but more bug fixes in general would be a good idea.
  2. As of this past week there is a new spur of the highway system going west from 730, 403 to 291, 403, then south to 291, 421, then west again to 249, 421. Happy Travels all!
  3. @Darnok, you need to take that energy you just put into this post, and put it into the game....dont come crying here about the mechanics of things. Deed it or Lose it is a rule.
  4. If it is ok with those organizing the event I would like to attend as well. If that is fine then see you all there!
  5. you know that would give you all with Body Strength to spare an outlet besides kill count - fastest one across the server anyone Gotta make your own Row Boat first
  6. You know it occurs to me that if there was a way to implement a system that would completely revolutionize the game, it would be this. Decent loot, Decent critters to deal with if your skills are high and you are really not that into pvp or other things similar, seperate from the normal areas. ONLY MEANT for hunting. I get why the comparison to Epic - you can do it all on epic still - but if the place is only meant for hunting, the only skills you can increase on that server are FS and FS related. Good idea imho - Most players have, by the time they have 50+ FS, figured out how to grind the skill - its the lack of critters available to grind the skill thats always a hold up.
  7. This is one epic idea. Love it. I had been hoping to write a story in wurm one day, this would be a way for it to continue in game long after one leaves.
  8. Expanding the Wurm solar system to allow all the planets in the system to be used by players would be epic imho. I see one problem - where do the gods go? they are all on Valrei, remember? I'm pretty sure they keep them selves separated from mere Wurmian mortals for only reasons they know, and i suppose it would be best to to let that be a continued 'thing'. their deptiction of Valeri, and what we see in the Wurminan sky are two completely different things, so i suppose we could 'move' them without them noticing.....
  9. I'm putting my support on this one - I can see the problem even though I'm not one to do much trade myself - never saw a way to fix it myself, so if this is something that would work im all for it.
  10. RIP Aaedean

    I heard about this in GL a few days ago and am just stunned. I don't have words to express just how saddening it is to hear. Where ever Aadean is off to now, I hope he enjoys things.
  11. Agreed...if ive paved a tile I really dont want anything on it but what ive put on it, and when it comes to highways, they are already 'protected' anyways, so thats more wogical then not.
  12. [09:49:48] You sense that Libila is brimming with power. Maybe you can channel it somehow? Yesterday, before i got tossed around by a forest giant on Xanadu, i did a sermon, and found out that RoD was ready....and has been since July. I was talking with Dups about this, and its been a 'thing' for a while now, RoD gets cast, and immediately(or shortly there after) its ready again! We can use,4668 for a casting location. Summons will be available be prepared to burn it all for the next cast too!
  13. Some of us(maybe a lot of us) who play priest mains know how hard it is to start from scratch as a priest, and the frustrations of some of the limitations that we have as well. for the past few years the idea of 'How to re-balance the priest class' has been bouncing around in my skull and last night an idea hit me like a bolt of lightning: Allow priests to imp their chosen deities favored items(Fo - Wood, Mag - Metal, Vyn - Stone, Libila - Leather/cloth), to a max quality of 50, at a favor cost of .25/imp, with a debuff to favor regen for the time equal to the time they were imping for - No channeling gain while imping(even though you are using favor) and you are limited to 50 on difficulty, favor, and level for which spells you can cast while the debuff is active. some of this has been helped along by others in GL, (i had mag/vyn mixed up for instance), however one of the other possible ways i had thought this might work would be to weight limit the items a priest could imp, but i figured that would be too easy to be misused. This would keep the playing field balanced.(IMHO)
  14. Enki has some new tricks up his sleeve now - some of the things i showed him and explained to him was how i did my track layouts - he even had good ideas on improvements as well - one thing i failed to mention was that in my testing of the tracks on my deed, the only reason i was unable to get consistent times going around my tracks is because im horrid at controlling my mount - i clip corners too easily, and the fences around the tracks can slow you down/stop you outright.
  15. That was something i had been thinking of adding for Hippodrome de Flures - that and trolls. all the tracks are paved, and it would be kinda interesting to see the top speed a traited troll could get to.
  16. I actually have a way of weeding that sort of thing out: a well designed track would test the players skills handling their mount/vehicle along with the speed at which they can get it up to. That means tight curves, hair pin in some cases, along with long straight aways. Like i said earlier, you really need to see my deed on Pristine: its a prime example of what im talking about.
  17. Enki, you need to come see Hippodrome de Fluers - my renamed deed on Pristine: you need to see its layout before you get too far into things i think.
  18. Let me ask you a similar question: What is currency? Beyond just a way to pay for goods and services irl? Wouldn't it be a representation of the effort someone puts in doing a job? If that is the case, then as long as @Kristeris listening(which he seems to be) and we all like the results, then that will show....and that alone will bring more people in - people like a game that others enjoy. Only time will tell.
  19. @Kristerit does seem that indeed patience is a virtue. it does take time to respond to posts, so I did not expect to be quoted so soon. it does seem that you are indeed listening and trying to understand us all. Hopefully we can figure out a way to make Wurm a place everyone wants to visit. Our own 'country' so to speak. I am very worried that my dream game will turn into a nightmare. I also know that it isn't just mine either. There are hundreds of other players where this game is there dream game. That is why i am doing my best to involve myself, because that's the last thing any of us wants. Welcome to Wurm, Krister.
  20. i do have reason to wish for a name change(not my main, one of my alts) however reputation does matter. i like the idea of it being a 1 time thing.
  21. im going to ask you the same question of real life, cause i don't have an answer(or a good one ihmo) - why would someone be given an incentive to do anything in real life? my only answer there is 'whats in it for them', but if you can find a better answer then that, i would love to hear it. Indeed...and that has happened here at least once. However, it can happen to anyone who focuses too hard on any one task, be that a real life one, a fully digtial one(like grinding a skill) or even a hybrid one. and yes im afraid it might happen again, thats why im here involving myself in this mess - I depend on this game for my real life survival, and i know im not the only one who does so. Countless others use this game as a way to deal with the woes RL gives us, from monuments for RL friends who have passed to going out on a mob kill spree cause your boss decided to throw you under the bus. ya, there are so many things that could be improved with the wiki that the list is longer then my arm. in fine print single spaced ta-boot. Some of the best ideas get tossed around in game first, believe it or not. at least that has been my experience. Hope to see your name in game sometime.
  22. my apologies, but you are describing real life here - People being forced to teach kids 'how to live life' in schools. the one big major difference for our game is that its not 'organized' by the 'govt' and forced into our brains at a rate we cant handle. You go your speed. Says you - there are lots of us players willing to help - however, whats in it for us? we all have different reasons for playing Wurm, but when you boil all the reasons down to a common denominator: one thing remains - you own real life survival; and if you want to be specific - Mental Health; we play video games to keep our brains functioning at the level we want them to be. weather that's to engage with friends, grind out a skill, go traveling in game, or build something, you do it for you. while the wiki may not be complete, it at least exists and does get updates.
  23. no body wants to sit there and listen to someone talk for 4+ hours. and im not exaggerating, depending on you mindset it could take as long as that, or longer. could also be shorter too. My point is that it ISNT 10-20 mins. thats a GOOD thing - its good practice for putting in effort in real life, and the sense of 'accomplishment' one can get from finally getting to 50 is huge. I am currently doing a channeling grind - going for 70, just recently hit 50 in fact - and im lovin' every minute of it. Funny thing about that - all that effort - its good for when you need to work on your own internals. i spent 6+ months working on my deed at one point, just opening up the cave and setting up 'race tracks'. my own 'mind palace' if you will. and while skills can be similar, not all of them grind the same. channeling is COMPLETELY different then improving chain for CA for instance.
  24. Maybe you and Darnok could go make your own game then, because this game is full of challenges I grant that you have to find them and set them for your self in some cases, but then that has always been the appeal of the game Create your own entertainment, find your own activities. and if that 'sounds one-dimensional' what is wrong with that? There is nothing wrong with finding your passion and maximizing what ever benefit it gives you. People do that in real life too, just more times then not its a physical thing rather then something less tangible and just so you know there are new things being added, its just not as fast as some would expect. i hate to point something out to you but when it comes to wurm not everyone has heard of the game, not in my experience. however has it ever occurred to you that maybe those you know don't need what wurm is offering