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About Himythu

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  1. i am sorry but i dont think WU supports multiple clients same way as WO?
  2. Hi All! Forgive me if i post this the wrong place as i am not really sure if this is the correct place, as many like to run mulitiple instances of WO for alts. I've made this simple tool about 2-3 yeas ago that will start mulitiple clients but now i decided maybe some fellow players would like to use it too :-) It is basicly a bat file where you can choose to run 1 to 9 clients by opening the link "http://www.wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp" automatically the indicated times. i compiled this on a exe file so the bat file is installed to program files on default, and a shortcut is made on the desktop. Download link: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=C5BD7A519DDBEF73!59984&authkey=!AMpmyjWnEUQ4m_4&ithint=file%2cexe If you dont trust my exe file heres the .BAT file https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=C5BD7A519DDBEF73!59985&authkey=!ACdzc_U2opimppE&ithint=file%2cBAT and this is how the script looks like: @ECHO OFF @ECHO WURM ONLINE MULTI CLIENT STARTER @ECHO BY HIMYTHU :BEGIN @ECHO HOW MANY CLIENTS DO YOU WISH TO RUN? PRESS A NUMBER (1-9) CHOICE /C:123456789 /N IF ERRORLEVEL ==9 GOTO NINE IF ERRORLEVEL ==8 GOTO EIGHT IF ERRORLEVEL ==7 GOTO SEVEN IF ERRORLEVEL ==6 GOTO SIX IF ERRORLEVEL ==5 GOTO FIVE IF ERRORLEVEL ==4 GOTO FOUR IF ERRORLEVEL ==3 GOTO THREE IF ERRORLEVEL ==2 GOTO TWO IF ERRORLEVEL ==1 GOTO ONE :ONE start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp @ECHO ONE CLIENT IS NOW SET TO RUN GOTO END :TWO start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp @ECHO TWO CLIENTS IS NOW SET TO RUN GOTO END :THREE start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp @ECHO THREE CLIENTS IS NOW SET TO RUN GOTO END :FOUR start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp @ECHO FOUR CLIENTS IS NOW SET TO RUN GOTO END :FIVE start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp @ECHO FIVE CLIENTS IS NOW SET TO RUN GOTO END :SIX start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp @ECHO SIX CLIENTS IS NOW SET TO RUN GOTO END :SEVEN start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp @ECHO SEVEN CLIENTS IS NOW SET TO RUN GOTO END :EIGHT start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp @ECHO EIGHT CLIENTS IS NOW SET TO RUN GOTO END :NINE start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp start javaws http://wurmonline.com/client/wurmclient.jnlp @ECHO NINE CLIENTS IS NOW SET TO RUN GOTO END :END @ECHO WHEN YOU HIT A KEY THIS WINDOW CLOSES. @ECHO AND OPENS WURMPEDIA PAUSE START http://www.wurmpedia.com Hope you will find my tool usefull and Happy Wurming!
  3. ok not in this case But yes, make the list in saved order would make a huge difference.
  4. i could live with the saved order instead, but screenspace could also be solved with a small button that activates the search function and makes it appear. Or another tab next to name that activates search, this again gives the possiblity to sort on what you type in? you type WET then everything that starts with WET is sorted to the top?
  5. I tried to search up if this feature is requested before, but strangely i cant find it so here is my request A Searchbox on the inventory, for items there. also when you type in " Wetstone " and hit enter if its found you activate it. Heres my argument for this feature to be implemented Sometimes my inventory gets real messy, alot of items and i want to find my steel and flint, this again is inside my satchel and i spend alot of time just looking for the steel and flint. Now that i found my steel and flint, and light up the forge, everything is set for imping only to find that the wetstone i was looking for was not in my inventory but in one of my storage containers ( after spending 5 minutes looking for the wetstone in my inventory) The toolbelt is great but, not to find certain items