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Everything posted by Fearil

  1. Also: Syrann 554 https://celebration.yaga.host/#1526,1363
  2. Hello sir! Had a bit of a time finding this one for a treasure hunt, but the HOTS tower near Dunkelfels, Jonydowy 130, is located at https://celebration.yaga.host/#1704,1500 Cheers!
  3. Will the rift point purchase prices change at all with this update?
  4. Yeah for sure, would be nice to see wurm's part of the overall pie.
  5. https://gamechestgroup-com.translate.goog/investor-relations/press-release/21934?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US Found this while looking around the website for GCG. Looks like a loss of about 80k USD in Q1? Am I reading that wrong? PS: Spitballing the USD/SEK conversion of 800k to 80k.
  6. Make it 99 Favor or let gems/etc raise favor to 100 directly. This waiting for 100 stuff gets old.
  7. TYVM, both sets now sold at 2g each. Running low, so new sales, when I make them, will be more precious.
  8. Good question. I imagine there would have to be a priority placement in effect on the toolbelt. First slot (farthest left) highest priority. Farthest right, lowest.
  9. I'm with you, use the 10 toolbelt groups to good effect. I already do this a bit with smithing/carpentry/general adventuring, but I don't see why we couldn't have 20 or 30 or (QL dependent) number of toolbelt groups!
  10. Hello! I strongly believe that toolbelts should be tied to the default action system. If my toolbelt contains an axe of any kind and a sickle, I should be able to pick sprouts, prune, and then cut down the tree without changing tools, but simply using the default action and making sure the toolbelt contains the tools for those actions. Furthermore, if you wanted to say, cut down without pruning or picking the sprout (where one exists), there should be a default modifier for 2nd, 3rd, etc default options. Using the example above. F for default action, shift+F for the prune, Ctrl+F for the next, and so on. Alternatively, maybe holding down Tab opens a small menu listing the actions, then pressing tab changes the selected task (so, Tab+hold == menu, tabx2 then enter to cut down). The selected action would remain default until completion of that task - prune complete, tree cut down, etc. I think this would make for a much more useful default action system, and give greater utility to toolbelts. Thanks for your time!
  11. I'll see if I can get a screenshot or two in deedplanner for you and I'll post them here. It looks pretty soulless in deeplanner, but it's been a nice home for a lot of years. Come take a look if you like. If you can't get around easily let me know and I can boat/summon. Cheers and good luck in your search!
  12. Hi, I have a deed that I've had around for many years that I don't use any longer and was planning on disbanding once I got some screenshots for sentimental value. I was also going to try selling it. I would be happy to sell it for a fair price. Let me know if you want to take a tour, it's Dingleberry Farms on Xan, C/D 19/20 (http://xanadu.yaga.host/#5086,697) Can reply, pm here, or PM Fearil (or Cashius if unavailable) to drop me a line. Cashius is afk at a holy site but can still take your message, so to speak! Coastal, good mining, good hunting, private, boat mine (a really nice one imo), stables, farming, etc. I also mined a connection to the big steppe east of the deed awhile back. All reinforced and ready for catseyes/highway. I should also note that I would be leaving behind a variety of lower ql bulk goods, containers, etc, as well as a Freedom wagon or two, if you want them. Also horses and Hell Horses of the old speed variety, now 3spd 2 draft. I don't plan on joining or founding another Xan deed so I would still use my Care For slots on them, so you can use them or breed them or w/e you want.
  13. So, a thought could be, to avoid free letter mail, simply allow offline PMs for those who enable it in their profile settings, perhaps?
  14. ADHD Strikes Back... or at least returns the memory of another suggestion I was going to make. Adding Part 4 to the original post...
  15. Nice work! Are these screenshots from in game somehow, or Deedplanner?
  16. No, I agree, but also I'm not suggesting new characters be given saddles on day 1. Lacking a deed isn't a big concern for me because really I think we need to think in real terms that the new player experience will, overall, want to entertain but also funnel new players into becoming long-term premium players with deeds and all that entails; also introducing and building the player economy. I don't think it takes much time or skill at all to cut some grass (maybe sickle as a starter tool would be good, actually) and tame a cow/bull/donkey/horse. It might not really require any skill at all to do so, then you can add a saddle (saddles should be able to be put on any rideable animal, imo) and go to town. Still, your saddled bull/cow/donkey is stilll a pretty crappy way to get around compared to a horse (and a bog standard horse not great either). Perhaps newer players can educate me on actually how useful a donkey/cow/bull actually is early game. We can definitely talk about the difficulty in finding a riding animal on some servers, for sure, I think it's a real issue. Maybe remove hyenas and gorillas (whose utility is extremely low), make certain potentially sought-after mobs slightly more rare (idk, hell hounds and lava spiders for charcoal type of thing) and increase or guarantee a certain number of on deed and/or unpenned horses/donkeys/etc exist in the wild... Could lower the rate of bulls and cows (not a great solution, since its a noob mount also), or unicorns or [some mob] to achieve the same effect. Or just increase the mob count on server. I don't know how the current servers manage mob count so maybe possible, maybe not. The 'Newbie Buff' idea I really like. Even something like a week or two of premium-equivalent with w/e noobie benefits otherwise might help. Especially since now non-prem characters aren't deleted. My only concern would be making sure it couldn't be abused in some way to make a bunch of priest batteries on the fly or something like that. I'm genuinely enjoying the back and forth discussion. Ultimately from the thread I'd like to see ideas refined and discussed for balance. Change is uncomfortable, so I just want to say that instead of 'this is a bad idea' or feel weird I'd love to see more 'this is a bad idea, this is why, here is a better idea', otherwise we're really just treading water.
  17. Heard. Reducing the difficulty won't solve the inherent issue of extremely boring timer-staring in the early game though, I don't think. Characteristics don't start at 0 either, so, for me at least, starting at 10 doesn't feel weird. I get you though. Yeah, I think we could definitely do a whole other thread on how to improve and balance the PvP experience across the board. It's a hard thing. I think we need to value the time people have input into becoming the best PvPers possible as it stands, but find a good inroad for newer players. It'd beyond me without suggesting a total revamp of how PvP is approached (skillcaps, scaling, w/e), and that's definitely not my bailiwick. I'd perhaps suggest then that the requirements for those accomplishments also get that +10, so the milestones stand, but the characteristic gap between new and old is narrowed a bit. That's more of what I was aiming for, not removing any sense of achievement. I will admit, when I first started drafting my post I wasn't going to suggest any change to Characteristics, so it's not high on my personal list of changes I would like to see. IMO donkeys aren't exactly usable in any real sense for travel. You're better off walking 99% of the time, though dragging one around behind you can be useful for the height advantage in combat. Otherwise, I don't see donkeys as a viable mount in any meaningful sense. That being said, I haven't experienced the game as a new player with donkeys in the game, so I'm totally spitballing. Yeah, I get you but personally I don't see how the current focus of years on a skill (at least, for non-obsessive play) or two constitutes anything other than abuse of the people that play the game. Ultimately, just looking for a happy middle ground on having our time valued in a way. I mean, can we really consider something like 200k actions to get 100 too easy? Right now it's way higher, I think, someone knows the math, I'm sure. As for WU, I have no idea what you mean with that since I've never been a WU player, so I can't speak to that. Otherwise I wouldn't change normal skillgain as it stands at present, except to guarantee that if I dig, I get a skill tick - if it's outside the normal range, then I get that guaranteed minimum.
  18. Yep, totally fair. I provided numbers that I thought balanced, but by no means am I tied to them. Overall the bottom line is that, like you, I think 20 a bit low. My idea of how it balances though is what does 50 give you that affects the player economy in any real way. I can't really think of anything at 50ql that is much of a commodity. Again, fair, but I do think that adding the saddle would be a fair way of balancing the earlier access to a decent mount. I respect your feedback on it though. Yeah I do feel that the initial super slow timers involved with those 0 skills are part of the new players experience that offer nothing in terms of good points for retention. I definitely couldn't argue against the sense of achievement and the learning journey, but ultimately my opinion is that the +10 skill thing wouldn't do much harm to that and would make things a touch more bearable. I totally agree that being able to drive a large cart, or being able to say hitch a cow/bull/bear to a small cart would be REALLY great for new players. We did get a recent increase to the dragability (new words today, fun) of carts and such, but idk if that is much of an improvement for a new player with low strength and stamina. Anyhow, that's a great idea imo!
  19. That does remind me, I had one more thing that my ADHD brain forgot mid-post. Riding Animals: Again, not specific to new player retention, but I think all animals should receive a bit of a buff to speed. I mean, horses and hell horses are good. Personally I think Unicorns should be on par with hell horses (with 1 rider), or maybe a slight bit slower. Mind you I haven't ridden a unicorn lately so I'm not exactly sure where they sit on the scale these days. Otherwise, the other speeds for non-standard mounts (exclude Horses, Cows, Bulls, Unicorns, HH) should be viable at near-horse standard, and include mounting saddles. Again, this area of the game is vague to me, because I don't see much point right now in riding a brown bear. Anyways, more viable riding mounts would be great, and including smaller animals that can become large champions (think wolf, sheep, etc) should be ridable.
  20. Alright well I tagged @Samoolas Product Manager.