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Everything posted by Roushi

  1. Sounds great. +1 This would really help new players. It would also be useful for travelers who don't want to maneuver a cart around that can't go up slopes of more than 20, while animals and players on foot can!
  2. May as well lump them both together with the furniture overhaul!
  3. There hasn't ever really been a use for water quality and I think its because the devs have no idea what to do with it. I like your idea of expanding it though, we need fresh water, salt water, etc. I always hated how the water quality was 100 and in the early stages of WO you could drink practically anything without any worry. That should definitely change but I suppose it is all a matter of the roadblock preventing water tiles from being actual tiles and merely just being a "water level" across the entire map, which makes interacting with the water, from a developers standpoint, more difficult to say the least. Dirty water could definitely play a part in one of my really old suggestions for Wurm Online: SICKNESSES!~ If you are out in the snow for too long, boom cold, etc. This is one of the simulated facets of nature that Wurm has been missing for quite some time. People might be complaining about this idea, but if it is executed properly, there would be nothing to complain about because it would make the game more atmospheric and more immersive, which really is all any of us want! Imagine when you go "Big Fish" fishing that you are actually going to the salt-water ocean to fish for salt-water fish, or if you are fishing inland you are fresh-water fishing and thus only catch fresh water fish. Even my 2D version of wurm (unreleased) can do this, so there is no reason Wurm can't with a little effort, as well! This kind of immersion is only a plus, not a minus, not a con. This is one of the last big ticket items that Wurm Online needs, water revision!
  4. Imagine if you couldn't lockpick in any of the Elder Scrolls games because the NPC's "wouldn't like it". Talk about boring! What needs to happen is the lockpicking system needs to be revised so that it takes high skill and a HQ lockpick to unlock HQ locks. There could also be a new type of lock and key that are not able to be copied and cannot be lock picked (these exist IRL), this could be featured on PVE servers primarily as a way to combat petty theft. Don't simply "discard" your games features, design them to be useful and integral!~
  5. There are the per-requisite tools/equipment and skills so I suppose it is only fitting to begin to add more equipment specific furniture's.
  6. Perhaps it should be a trait that you must breed in, as well! I believe they were created my mixing mules / donkeys and horses. So there would have to be mules/donkeys in the game, which sounds good as well. Create another thread!
  7. Remember that it is not just a 'player' sandbox, it is a MULTI- Player sandbox, which means OTHER people can F with your S bro! Keep that shiz locked down. </ endbrotalk>
  8. @thread title. Lifeboats. +1
  9. +1 Although, there is a way to do this already albeit -- it is with your brain.
  10. There will be Silver Mirrors on my WU server. Another micromanaging change that is bad for the game, who comes up with these? Whoever it is is hurting Wurm Online and should be fired.
  11. Don't want to take too much of the random "wtf"ness out of the game, because then like someone else mentioned you'd just be playing the Sims and nobody wants to do that. We want a Simulator not a Sims parody. Devs job isn't necessarily to make the game comfortable for the player, it is to make the gameplay fun and interesting. How the player adapts is key. Hand-holding design is not design at all! A better way to design it would be make it an object (instead of just 'making' the animals not move). Make a hitching post and you must be required to rope and hitch the animal otherwise, guess what, even if it is really well tamed, it is going to move! Imagine when you go to sleep, if you slept in one spot without moving all night, that is unnatural. Everybody rolls around, when elderly people don't move in their beds they get bed sores and the same happens to animals (check the atrocious factory farm model of the western world). Also think about branding in real life, what was it used for? It didn't stop animals from leaving the property, it made them easier to identify when they did "get lost"!
  12. I always thought that it should be server option, it would make the game more interesting. Imagine some of the WO freedom servers having this option and some don't. It would change the dynamic of the gameplay, now you'd actually have to worry about any public gatehouses or buildings.
  13. It kind of sounds like there is a super loot highway from the freedom to the PVP server and people are taking advantage of the open looting of corpses to find goodies, bring them back to freedom and get EASY money (maybe even doing it to make money IRL which would be sleezy). Why else would they fight to protect the lane? You have to think of what their incentive is to keep it open like that. I can just imagine, although it does sound like fun, sneaking into the pvp server and sneaking around, finding some unfortunate corpse and some good loot and trying to escape back out unseen, but when one finds such an avenue they tend to wear it out. If there is no recourse for a PVPer to stop a PVE-er on a PVP server, it doesn't seem to make much sense.
  14. Rath you seem to like to shoot ideas down without ever providing any substance, none of what you said matters or applies. This thread is about people ABUSING the open border, not forcing people to pvp. If you don't want to pvp, don't go to a pvp server! But it doesn't mean you should get to go to a pvp server, grab some loot and escape without any risk what-so-ever. That is not what PVP is about. Of course nobody wants to be forced into a fight, but guess what, that is real life, sometimes you don't have a choice. Most importantly, PVP servers should not take advice or suggestions from PVE players, they should have no input because they have different desires/agenda than PVPers and thus there will always be a clashing of ideas.
  15. The fact that alcohol fills your water bar in WO makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE! Alcohol doesn't hydrate you, it dehydrates you!!! Whoever designed this mechanic is clearly not thinking straight.
  16. I think you should have to enchant them for no decay, because IRL papyrus (which was used by the ancient egyptians as the first paper) was incredibly deteriorative.
  17. Should be a server tickable option in WU. "Capsizable boats" It should be based on size and weight, the creature in question should have to weigh twice as much as the total combined weight of the vehicle, contents and passengers. Perhaps it should also be based on some kind of chance or luck, or maybe aggression. It has to be wounded with 100% aggression to even get a chance to topple a craft. This could also introduce some new kind of functionality for Fishing, if you use Net lines or fish for big fish you have the chance to wound a larger creature like a shark or kraken with your line or net and that is how they get wounded to topple your boat. Hehe!
  18. I guess to morons, being philosophical is trolling. Typical dumb world. Repairing is slow, there, is that simple enough of a statement for you? I don't know what kind of jerks insult their own supporters, oh, Trump voters!
  19. Then, if the devs consider this a feature, for it to be good game design, there needs to be a counter-balance for this unbalanced play. What can the PVPers do for someone who merely uses the border to escape ever having to PVP back? There has to be a means of balancing, otherwise its just a "get out of PVP free" card.
  20. I don't know anything about the rift, all I know is that a player is taught to bury things because they get an achievement for it and this will put most people in that mindset. If you don't want them to be buried, put them somewhere where the public can't access them or better yet butcher and bury them yourself and put up a gravestone to show it off. All I know is if I see animals I like and some abusive soul-less cur puts them on display, I'm burying them and then killing their entire village and putting it on display at my deed. I like animals more than people, people are awful.
  21. Don't you think that some people may find "displaying corpses" as unwanted, or that some merely do the good deed of gravedigging? What if someone slaughtered your family and put them on display? Just saying.
  22. Keep in mind a free player and potential premium players perspective, they can only use wood. Longer repairs is less incentive to play for these people. This should be the target audience, as more customers = more revenue. PVP players should not be priority #1 but rather should be given access to a test environment server for feedback on things in the works. Making these changes in perspective might help WO's current player situation. I know that I certainly don't want to wait around to repair things every day and that is the top complaint from free players is the seemingly needless waiting around for timers to finish. WU doesn't have this problem because we can thankfully set our own timer/action counts.