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Everything posted by jeremybrown82

  1. I do this: [localhostWurmLauncher]$ ./WurmLauncher I get this: Starting: /home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Wurm Unlimited/WurmLauncher Args: 1 Unable to find jvm.dll at specified location. Failed to find jvm installation. Here is my LaunchConfig.ini: [Runtime] OverrideDefaultJavaPath=true JavaPath=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk- [Memory] InitialHeap=512m MaxHeapSize=2048m [VMParams] JvmParam0=-XX:+AggressiveOpts JvmParam2=-Dglass.accessible.force=false I'm on linux, and am not sure why it says missing jvm.dll. DLLs are for windows...