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About Wolfdoglover

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  1. Hello, I have a character in need of a village to call home. PM me here or message Kougari In game for details much appreciated. Thanks.
  2. PM me on independence, name is Dancingdragon. I'm friendly and once I learn the basics (and some other things) of your village, I will show what I learn to any newbies that come afterwards. PM me in-game I try to be online at least once a day for as long as is possible for me... I'm also very honest, and I have a little experience in wurm (only one other character on Xanadu.) as I said, I'm looking for a village to call home, PM me in game, if I'm online I'll answer. Or if I'm afk, I'll answer when I come back. thanks. Wolfdoglover (AKA Dancingdragon)
  3. My account is the free version.. am I able to have a ship?
  4. I'm thinking of keeping myself busy by making myself useful and earn a few coins while doing so. Does anybody know the best selling resource on Xanadu?