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About Timorius

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  1. Oh nice. In a freedom world, the location of the spawnpoint is not that important for me but despite that, I think that its a good idea to have a starter town with a merchant and alltogether to switch back to freedom isle. Now the server needs only more people coming in. I am hoping for many different nationalties here. Come in and join from all over the world. That is our only chance to see behind the daily propaganda, nowadays.
  2. Hi Kiama, I mainly would like to see the spawnpoint in a neutral area or have a spawnpoint for every kingdom. I think, in a freedom isle world its normal to have only one spawn point. But if you want to play the map with different kingdoms and than having the one spawnpoint even within one of the kingdoms. That is not much fair and also will unbalance the world in a longer term. We already talked about that. So I suggest to put the spawn point in a neutral place somewhere in the middle of the map. Anyone having objections? Another point what does me a little belly ache. I am okay to give everyone who wants it the possibility to do a kingdom. So everybody can experience here, how it feels to be a king. But I dislike that this player made kingdoms can also be one of the main kingdoms. Normally, If you want to be the king of mr, jk or hots, you have to find a statue or a symbol of the god the kingdom is related to and than do a mission. This feature is completly falling aside here. So I would say. Pmks can be easy but the kingdomship of the main kingdoms must be earned. ?
  3. To go on with the plot a little bit: -> The first winter has reached the aelbic straits. Because of atmospheric turbulences, the starting point moved a little bit. New players will be equipped with leather armors and some tools and can not fall dawn the mountains so easy. Walking arround through the snowy mountains I found a sign, written on it the following words. " Ahoia, we are the wizards from the roof of the world, keeper of the thousand scrolls, mediators between the creator and the world of mortals, druidic tao monks with an eye on the balance of the world and constructers of the thousand names. We need your help. Not all trees are found in the world, yet. Our sky gardens are stil not decorated by cedar, cherry, olive and lemon. The ones that found sprouts of them and bring them to us will be rewarded with items or can start their noviciate, here where we advice over the flow of the world. All others are encouraged to write letters to us and to let us know what is happening in the world, so that the world can be a mirror of what is happening under is inhabitants. Thats all for now, and shall you walk save." Hmmm...
  4. Heya, The concept of the server here is not to priorize pvp over all manners, thats sure. Its setted to freedom isle and pvp enabled to make the try to have a world with ultimate freedom without beeing restricted to game mechanics. So at the moment, you are able to attack everyone, but you are also able to befriend every one. I would really like that PMKs can be made. And I would like that they can be made with only 4 players instead of 24 (or 25?). Also would it be nice to have a mod than, that didnt make freedom isles players loose their neutrality (maby with a kingdom diplomacy mod, that would be reachable). But at the moment we are only 4,5,6 people playing here regulary, so its more timeto think it out. As to the size of the map: -> I think, its great. How bigger, how more epic the history of the world can be. Enough space to do whatever you want and to have many different regions. Sauron would not have been possible to grow so strong and the elves would not could have been hidden in their forests, if the world would have been smaller. To talk in a fantasy tale setting.. P.S. If there will be problems, Freedom Isles players attacking other freedom isle players, we will start to think it out how we can change that and transport that changes into a flowing game experiences.. The creator here knows how to mod and I have some hours in seeing the wonders of different wu worlds. Advises or tips from experienced players are nevertheless nicely seen. Just pm me here if you wish.
  5. It is said, that the white light can be found on the top of a mountain, while the blacklight should be found on a place surrounded by water..
  6. Please Close

    13 hours later, I been thrown out from the exiled steamgroup. For my last comment above? Or for my soft asking for a little democrazy there? Thats crazy ! But pants on it. I am gone.
  7. Please Close

    Ahh, Words are spoken so easy... Now with the new Exiled map, showing the beaches suddenly I have to correct my words from above. Sry. I dont believe anymore that this map is a huge 8000k. Maby there are some confusions about it. But this map seems very little and therefor its not very good for trappers and hermits. Despite that, it has very nice startrer towns (at least hots) and is probably a good map for people what like to come in with some friends to do kingdom pvp. Had to be said. Regards.
  8. I am very happy that this server, standing in France, came to existance . As far as I see it, its the only low skillgain/action timer server with the priest mod enabled. And also we have both altars here and underground building enabled. More mods will come eventually. I recommend to come in next times, because the animal count is set low at the moment to allow everybody to spread and get an overview over that beautiful world. Also I recommend everybody to equip with his/her standart set of tools at the beginning point. Scouting arround for about 14hours let me find very nice places on the riverside and also huge highland areas, but not all easy to settle without being equipped well. Make the sickle your friend in this first age of the Aelbic Straits map is my third and last recommendation. We are now in the age of exploration and spreading. The world is untouched and very special. Come in and just have a look if you wish.
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    Its relaxing. And its a big, wide and untouched world, ideal for trappers and hermits. Only not sure, if I will like all the mycellium arround me..
  10. My creative effusion is over.. And I would also be happy, if only the neutrality aspect of my first post is realized..
  11. Hi. Thank you for your response @Lifesaver, it is needed and desired. Although my english is not that good that I wished (I have to look for vocabulary regulary), all what is written here can help to improve the picture of the wurm experience of my wishes and what a true freedomer mod should provide in the best case. I never played Wurm Online so I am unsure, if it can benefit of my thinkings or if its realizable there. I only have played wurm unlimited and fall in love to its landscapes, the creatures, the magic and the gods and goddesses there. And got despaired regulary for the rigid rules of the kingdom mechanic ( what does not mean that they are not good for wurm online). Lets go on spinning the string to finish my imagination of a true freedomer mod in a rude shape. As I said: -> 4 players finding together at this huge, unknown map are able to become a band or a family and to create a pre defined (10 till 20 tils on every side?) base deed without no costs (but guards should cost) to have a place together. Later on, with the forming of the first kingdoms or tribes (let it both be 13 players), guard towers and the currency (traders) are coming to the map. A kingdom is allowed to build a guardtower and a trader in one of the base deeds, (but giving up the others). From its first builded guard tower, it may spread, while new guard towers are only allowed to be build within the influence zone of older ones. Within that zones, it can be done what is wished. (But note: Everyone has to be able to leave a kingdom at every point without the need to being recruited from someone else and kingdoms what fell back under the mark of thirteen people are not able to repair or build new guard towers. But still hold their land and may deed in it how much they want. A tribe. I am unsure, if now it gets to complicated for modding. Allthough I would love to see them (the tribes) in a wurmworld for all the players what dont want to be bounded under a kings word and prefer a more democratic descisionfinding, or which think (as I do), that its still the best way to live together. Also in the 21th century A tribe is not able to spread guardtowers, but they dont need to give up their base deeds and can have a guardtower, trader, and merchant in every of them. (4 persons = 1base deed, 13 persons to form a tribe) So a tribe is more wide spreaded than a kingdom and can provide a larger area of the map with their goods and shelter. But they are more limited in guard towers and deeds and should therefor concentrate more on community buildings. Also they are not as compact as kingdoms and therefor more open for a surprise attack of nearby kingdoms or hostile tribes. (maby as compensation kingdoms can only pave in their lands?) Yeah thats it, what I would like to see. Its a little bit like a sozial experiment and evolution,I see now. Will the tribes or the kingdoms prevail? Or can they find ways to live in harmony together? Will we generally be able to come to the point, where we form kingdoms or tribes? Or will we stay cavemans? And who will than prevail? The most rude, the most wise, the one what hides? Now I am in need of modders. What do you all think? Contact me here in the forum over pm too, if wished. Regards (Sidenote: If its possible to mod, why not allow people with every 10 points in climbing skill to walk one steep deeper without the need of using the climbing skill? Tribes or people what live and grew up in the mountains should become more agile in this terrain.
  12. Heya, I didn´t say that my priority is having pvp. I am interested in dynamic relations and the freedom of choice. Not that black-white (my kingdom is good, the others are bad) thing, that is the natural condition in pvp maps. As to the athletics skill: You say it by yourself when encumbered. I wish to become faster with the time, also when not encumbered. To spin on the string for everybody (don´t know, if you can say that in english) , I can imagine this mod very good in a huge world with lower skillgain and random spawn. Thinking twice made me also think, that, to create it, it will be probably far less complicated to implement it on a pve world with only freedom isle players and no ther kingdoms. One step further if someone is willing to think it out. I have to ask -> Why are we deeding anyway? I mean, you have your constructions, your caves, their doors, locks. Maby there is no need to. (a newspaper could be good then) Or we allow an amout of players (maby 4) to form a band and than have a democratic (or undemocratic who really wants) base deed with high costs. (12 players (or so) could also create a kingdom with new rules,) ... But thats very speculative at this point. I can understand, that many people don´t like pvp. But I believe that the most people are "good" and that the rowdys will not prevail. A big map with that mod would let us try it out and provide a whole new wurm experience. ??
  13. Hi! As written on the steam forums latley, I would like to have a mod coming to wurm unlimited that allows me/us as persons from freedom isle, to change our relation in the way we want (as in reality). I want to be neutral (blue) towards every other person in the beginning and than have the possibility to become friends/allies (green) or, if I feel treated bad or want to play the bad guy, change the relation to hostile. Is that doable? Other thing I can imagine to see is an athletics skill what slowly improve my foot speed when using them often and a bag for horse saddles.
  14. I really like this server. It seems, I finally found the world where to grew old in. This server has- > no alts, what I really welcome, no life map (follow your instincts only), working traps (which I didnt see on many worlds), a normal meditation timer (its meditation young padawan) and a friendly and active community. Also the skillrate and actiontimer feels very balanced and makes me think that this is how wurm was meant. Except the world could be a little bit bigger, there is not much to critisize here. But whats really great and let me rush in. This server offers working Valrei Missions and they are playing the Valrei game of gods here. To fight for Fo -> join JK, Magrannon -> join Mol Rehan and Liblia -> join Horde. What are you waiting for? Give it a try. Hi. Der Server fühlt sich wirklich gut balanciert an und macht Spass. Besonders für Leute die vorhaben sich längere Zeit in einer Welt niederzulassen, sehr zu empfehlen. Bis auf das die Welt vlt ein bißchen zu klein ist, funktioniert hier vieles was auf anderen Servern nicht funktioniert. Ausserdem Gott Missionen und das Valrei Spiel. Sehr geil. Kommt rein.
  15. Naja, ich dachte ich guck mal ob es vieleicht im Spiel schon die Karte gibt. Ich möchte nicht zwischen Spiel und Desktop switchen um mich zu orientieren. Ich bin ja auch eigentlich schon auf einem anderen Server ganz aktiv. Aber wie gesagt, Die Form und die Sandstrände eurer Karte ziehen mich magisch an. Danke für die Einladung! Mit Karte komm ich wenigstens mal gucken..