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Everything posted by Beastwolf

  1. [18:51:28] <Beastwulf> i have 8 fathers [18:52:20] <Viceren> All related. *Banjo starts playing*
  2. sounds like it needs a better workaround for people abusing the wait timer rather than punishing people who arent.
  3. mag dropped me at 15 faith now i have to wait 7 days just to have a god i understand if you swap faiths waiting 7 days but im stuck being godless not able to use mechanics for 7 days. seems off.
  4. [15:19:13] <Spyte> BL looks like roads in Polish or even Ukraine
  5. "limits" pve? pve is the center focus of all wurm lmfao.
  6. if you only live on epic it doesn't have much relevance its very different between chaos/freedom
  7. I was recently aiming to get my stealing skill to 90 [18:05:16] Stealing increased by 0.3837 to 7.8446 When I noticed as soon as MAG decided to drop me as a follower, i could no longer gain stealing ticks. this seems more like a bug than 'intended' as grinding stealing is very hard to do as is without punishment from your god. (minus LIB) it seems if you're Godless you can't gain stealing skill ? that seems faulty, as someone who lives full time on chaos (WL KINGDOM) there's no possible way i can grind this skill ?
  8. aka "add more reasons to not play on chaos and just stay on freedom, nothing unique about chaos"
  9. "here enjoy unique wagons and banners to sell but good luck making an alt to sell them with all day instead of playing on your main on chaos"
  10. (in reference to PMKS in specific) Connect Chaos to global freedom and trade we are all tired of having to use alts I'm sure. stop isolating communities
  11. [21:54:24] <Yggdrasil> We're been trying to get ahold of you about your knarr's extended warranty
  12. @Jackschmidt @Zarame I'm very sorry I sold this in game and forgot to close it. Sorry again my mistake.
  13. [13:54:29] <Storelot> i go on tinder and try and recruit people to join cheese
  14. [13:46:45] <Moriath> o/ You search a Painfiller, so you have a Painfillingstation?
  15. anytime you have BLACKSMITHING ARMORSMITHING WEAPONSMITHING SEND TO BEASTWOLF PLZ will buy them at 3s all day long
  16. -1 from someone who perma lives on chaos