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About Galeric

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  1. howdy, i been using this since the day it hit and i love it, however here lately i am seeing a trend and its like nails on a chalk board to me. Take a look at this map.... Neato, but square. No matter how many times i go through it, even with a seed i manually input, its square. There may be some varied areas, but its still pretty much square. Is there something i am doing wrong here? It did not do this until 2.2. Hundreds of generations later, the map comes out roughly the same, nice and square. Perhaps its something i am not setting properly?
  2. Thank you Drakeling, i knew this, but i face palmed on the most important part like a dolt.
  3. When the game came out i was able to use dedicated server with no issues. Now, that i uninstalled Wurm unlimited, reinstalled and fired it up. Game works and i can join other games etc. When i start server management WITH the dedicated server checked it will not start, says i am missing a file? Is there an easy fix to this or i have screwed this game up somehow? I can run a server just fine without dedicated server checked.