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About JayZeus

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  1. As above, are GMs subject to the one settlement per server limit?
  2. I don't believe this is entirely true. Cutting down trees have an instant action timer with a ql 10 axe, lowish skill and 10-15x action timer multiplier.
  3. There seems to be a minimum action timer for many actions that cannot be altered by the timer multiplier in the server start dialog box. I can't get a dig timer any faster than 1-2 seconds with a full ql shovel with enchantments and 100 skill. My preference is instant action timers with skill gain to greatly quicken work. Ideally I would like bulk actions, like level, flatten to function as they do for GMs - almost instantly. However, I still want the multiple, single actions to take place for activities like mining. Since WU skillgains are now success based and not timed based, I would like to see a mod that reduces/eliminates the timer duration for all actions across the board. Skill would only play a role in item ql or success rate. This change would suit those who want to do things quickly and not wait for timers, but still have restrictions on stamina, skill, success, etc.