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About LastChime

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  1. Thanks for all this, makes terraforming much less derpy than vanilla
  2. DB Browser for SQLite works and it's free, just don't mess with it while the server is up, rip a copy of the "Wurm Unlimited Dedicated Server\<whateveryourservernameis>\sqlite" folder to play with. Field you need to check is in the wurmlogin.db > SERVERS table > TREEGROWTH , and if it's what you set it at using the server tool, then the problem is likely something else entirely within the spaghetti java code .jar and .class files that I have little to no idea how to even comprehend.
  3. Seconded on the hell creatures and fog spiders (curiously enough mine weren't despawning at all, manualy cleared them from the database and seemed to help get some other aggressives up but still no natural hell creatures) , put some lairs in to see what happens with the hell mobs, also noticed not getting any Seals either.
  4. I know initialy I had to modify my wurmservers.db just to get a value in there and after that planted sprouts worked. Just for kicks maybe try setting it to 20 next time you reboot the server see if that corrects it, if 1 in 20 is too crazy maybe try jacking it up to 1 in 80 or so, either way it should make it so that planted sprouts grow, maybe for whatever reason now it just needs "a number" in that field to allow sprouts.
  5. Hey thanks a bunch, this will let me switch my g/f's client so she doesn't have to see the fog spiders/deal with teleporting microscopic blobs I'll make em hyena's or something.
  6. Love this mod suite, any chance of a Phobia mod update to swap fog spiders to either hell hounds or crocodiles as the hounds don't seem to be spawning properly in the current build? I know the fog spiders are a tribute to someone but my g/f is deathly terrified of them and currently plays with the phobia mode on but the blobs are pretty tiny and I don't know how to make them bigger. Thanks and keep up the great work.
  7. Yeah I'm too dumb with java to get this to work so I'm going to bump this thread up. The server I made about a month ago has 0 hell creatures, has never had any, there's insane amounts of fog spiders though.
  8. Seems to spawn 2 grand shy of whatever quantity you put in too
  9. Tragic news, I barely new him but he fished me out of a non walled mine once on GV. An exemplary and fair GM in everything I'd read on the forums back then, sad to see such a nice man pass on.
  10. Characteristics seem to lag pretty heavily behind as a result.
  11. The server may have changed ips internally (router/vpn/isp any number of reasons really), the server config has to be manually changed in that case.
  12. Enabling traders for one. There's a whole buncha stuff when you right click on the wand with it selected. Some other stuff is in the .db files, some other stuff in the wurm.ini , think the server GUI was just "punched in the nose and thrown on the plate"
  13. Select the wand, right click the wand, go to item and set data