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About Beregrost

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  1. Agreed - exploration with a map would feel a bit stale IMO.
  2. ...and that is far more than fans of other games can look for when their player base is moving on to new titles...
  3. Well, I played a couple of games in the past with people telling that the next game will surely kill "my" game, and then... a few people left, a few of the few came back, but if a game has a niche, it also has a player base. Yes, some people will go for WU because everything is handed on a silver plate, and I see nothing bad in that. It's their spare time, they should play a game they like. Others wil try WU and come to WO because they like the general concept but DON'T like getting everything on a silver plate. And that is fine too. And if WU wasn't there, then maybe LiF would be the falling sky, or RoK, or whatever other similar game comes along in the future. PS: My first online game that was said to be killed by another game was Dark Age of Camelot - and its still playing, albeit on a smaller player base than in its early days.
  4. That and a map generator would make me perfectly happy for the start...
  5. What Rolf said in the FAQ thread is that there will be a one-time-fee to buy the game, but no other (monthly) charges. Looking at the concept of WU, I dont expect ingame charges either.