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Eobersig last won the day on July 20

Eobersig had the most liked content!

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1089 Rare

About Eobersig

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  1. Thanks for the purchase, your items are in the mail ... [13:22:08] The items silently disappear from the spirit house. You expect them to reach Gerboa in less than ten minutes.
  2. Thanks for the purchase, your items are in the mail ... [20:43:07] The items silently disappear from the spirit house. You expect them to reach Dragonelle in less than ten minutes.
  3. Thanks for the purchase, your items are in the mail ... [20:39:53] The items silently disappear from the spirit house. You expect them to reach Gimpy in less than ten minutes.
  4. I'm playing with legacy renderer on a Linux Mint distro with NVidia graphic card and driver with no problems.
  5. Thanks for the purchase, your items are in the mail ... [20:44:35] The items silently disappear from the spirit house. You expect them to reach Hasimira in less than ten minutes.
  6. Please also add deed Crocodile Isle at : https://xanadu.yaga.host/#3003,2027 Old deed, hehe. I just noticed that it never made it's way from the old map to the "new" one, I blame myself!
  7. Thanks for the purchase, your items are in the mail ... [20:11:06] The items silently disappear from the spirit house. You expect them to reach Illusion in less than ten minutes. And my apologies for the delay!
  8. Thanks for the report. The team is aware of the issue, it will get fixed - and it's not your PC that is at fault here. A GM ported to your location and had the same error as you have. It's something local to that spot on Xanadu. I do not yet know what it is. We will find out.
  9. Thanks for the order, I will get to work on it, sadly it may take a while though, you are okay to wait for several RL days?
  10. Yes, at the moment one can only advice to revert to the legacy renderer in settings/custom graphics.
  11. One can actually hide it, but it's kinda hidden. Play around with unlocking the queue window, then r-click the border of the window and a hide window appears.
  12. Similar thing here, temperature still tolerable, but heavy loss of framerates. Was used to run 2 clients at stable 30 FPS (limited by slider in settings) with low temp and low fan noise. Now one client hardly hits 30 FPS and the second client lugs around at 7-8 FPS.
  13. Thanks for the bid, your items are in the mail ... [20:23:23] The items silently disappear from the spirit house. You expect them to reach Jakeii in less than ten minutes.
  14. Thanks for bidding all, grats to Jakeii! Shall I send saddle to Jakeii or Wulfgar?
  15. [23:04:40] A leather saddle complete with a girth and stirrups. This is a very rare and interesting version of the item. The saddle has some holes and must be tailored with a needle to improve. [23:04:40] You can easily make out the signature of its maker, 'Timothymarker'. [23:04:40] Wind of Ages has been cast on it, so it will be quicker to use. [104] [23:04:40] Shatter Protection has been cast on it, so it protects against damage when spells are cast upon it [100] Starting bid: 16 silver Increment: 1 silver No private bids please, no buyout, no reserve, no sniper protection. Auction runs for 3 days: