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Everything posted by Quicktor

  1. can't say that i dislike something i am reading in the changes really don't understand why people won't want the raid windows, finally putting an end to offline raids, long overdue the safe zone change is nice aswell, but maybe even put limited QL ressources in those spots like suggested, doesn't have to be too crazy but there should be some more incentive leaving the safe zone minehops offdeed would also be a good addition to this iteration can be limited to like 40QL like hemz said, cause that sounds more reasonable but with the change that offdeed reinforcements are really easy to disintegrate into, offdeed hops should be back (meaning that they don't just open if you go through while an enemy is in local, but it keeps being locked) just overlooked the first time i read through it, but why wouldn't meditating cross to PvE? it's one of the most time consuming skills and you want us to grind it 2 times? all in all nice changes
  2. Would be neat to have a Market / WTS Section just for steam, I think it only has been overlooked so just a reminder here... I think it would be a bad idea to let it all post into Freedom Isle Market with [STEAM] tags EDIT: just saw this post can close the thread, sorry
  3. So after I saw this Thread I had an idea how to make combat visually easier to understand. How about having a new timer bar that is by default somewhere in the middle of the screen and only appears when you go into combat. It would show a "swing timer" which is already running in the background, just not visible. Here is an example of how it could look... Seeing the actual timer it needs you to swing a weapon and hit OR miss, and not only looking in the combat tab helps new players understand the system easier imo.
  4. the fact that they say "oh we might merge em, we might not" is really stupid makes it a gamble if its worth to invest time or not if the servers will be merged at any point, the economy will just be stale again like it is now and people flood the markets kinda lame that they let us in the dark for that, but whatelse did we expect
  5. @Retrograde Is the map gonna be made by ausimus?
  6. so uh... why all this silence? is the release of "mid summer 2020" gonna be scrapped?
  7. just don't allow hellhorses to be hitched on chaos, it's really that simple that being said, what plat said is okay too
  8. shouldnt be a hard discussion, the removal of /who and playercount on the server status page for chaos is an easy decision... whats the cons? i only see pros
  9. You basically just have to look at the venom change and put 1 and 1 together. This game became one guys playground, sadly.
  10. dude.... FB has increased damage acid imbue + FB does 55% more than fully casted venom
  11. The spell spam argument comes from a group of like 10 players that remain in T......panda....sorry all the same nowadays. If you would have looked at the problem like you described, you would have found focused will like oblivion said and changed that aswell. Boat fights have a far greater problem at the moment, which you should know about due to the numerous complaints. You can't reliably take boat fights with the new furling system and the fact that you lose stamina while sailing no matter what (apart from drifting), oh and yeah, embark bug is back btw. We haven't heard a thing from devs if it's getting fixed or being worked on. Venom was okay like it was, but whatever, you saw it once in a spar and deemed it OP, all good. It did 55% less damage for the fact that it had a 5% glance rate, now with 20% it's just useless all together. Oh and the fact that we don't get another faith change just shows that you don't even know how significant this "minor" update was. Tangleweave has a 5min cooldown now, 3 MINUTES LONGER than Light of Fo. Real question is, when are the NEEDED changes coming? Why work on healing, mostly in boat pvp, that no matter what will remain a dumb mechanic since I don't see you changing your praised sailing system? Next time, at least start a discussion thread, jesus.
  12. and i am pretty sure that these changes all stem from people that have just as much experience in pvp as you do, well said man just to make it 100% clear, this is supposed to be sarcasm, i dont take chances anymore these days
  13. yeah where is the corresponding discussion thread about this?
  14. who asked for the healing and tangleweave changes? where does this all come from?
  15. should have looked at server bugs, i saw this bug was posted there on march 5th can add my post to it something, sorry
  16. So, since about the new sailing system came in, the embark bug is back, but in combination with the lag it's more severe... I just wanted to know if it's known / being worked on. I realize that your focus right now is to get the game ready for steam, but please keep in mind that with severe bugs like this one it's gonna get a lot of flak. In the case people don't know the "embark bug", here is a brief explanation, people can add to it if they know more: You get desynced with the server, lose connection for a brief time and boom, you got it. You get randomly thrown off your vehicle you are on, doesn't matter if it's a horse, boat, wagon or cart, this bug throws you off everything. The only thing to "fix" it currently, is to leave the world (logout for /lotime) and then you are good UNTIL you lose connection again. Please let us know if it's being worked on, thanks.
  17. so what about all the lags on other servers?
  18. @Samoolsorry for double posting, but can you tell us if the "anti-macro feature" from medieval ages got reworked too? will the items be saved at their spot when you logout in the inventory or do you still have to re-arrange them everytime you login?
  19. @Retrograde will the inventory sort itself now when you logout? meaning, do we still have to re-arrange everything everytime we login or not?
  20. its an all new feature that comes with AWS hosting be thankful
  21. snoo is a snake anyway what do you expect 🐍
  22. remove karma and recall home while you are at it