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Quicktor last won the day on July 13 2021

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  1. hey @Army do we have like a rough estimate / date when this all is going down btw? also, what about affinities? are they being transfered? tomes?
  2. nice, you got a complete rewrite and port over to UE5? that's awesome!
  3. i sure hope this ain't gonna be a bunch of empty promises like in the last few years 🤙 🖖🤘
  4. wow, demona sure was right... the devs have been working on a whole lot! keep the great work up thanks
  5. be careful guys, just a tad bit more and the censorship fly swatter will hit 90% of the thread
  6. i think they just forgot they are running a game honestly just forgot give em some slack
  7. +1 for like the 100th time outdated system has to go already
  8. -1 the sole reason 90% of the playerbase quit defiance
  9. been requested like 100 times seems like this is a hard one for the devs, since they never answer on it nor seem they be able to do it shame +1 obviously
  10. holy ###### best idea since release +1 please add asap