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jackjones last won the day on December 20 2019

jackjones had the most liked content!

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335 Excellent


About jackjones

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  1. I'll stick to this, thanks...
  2. RIP Aaedean

    Farewell, dear friend, and may your adventures in the great beyond be as epic and fulfilling as those you experienced in Wurm Online.
  3. I have 150 crates of dirt! Wow! I'll reserve it for you, Punch.
  4. Sounds great.. I think I'm at about 120 crates. I'll count now!
  5. WTS Lots o' Dirt 20c per crate with crate swap. 33c per crate with crate included. Pickup Xan G24 or wagoner only. 100+ crates available.
  6. Yes, I know there are already rewards for Treasure Maps... Finding clues requires in game skills in Archeology (sometimes) and your skill in dowsing through community maps / map dumps. I feel that successfully completing a treasure hunt "step" should potentially grant a small skill gain. The most appropriate skill gain would be Cartography, although Archeology is yet another option. Argument: Cartographers do more that just making maps in real life. They collect data: 1) When Treasure Hunts were released, we were all Cartographers in the sense that we used our collective observational skills to fill in Community Maps with Guard Tower data. 2) Some may keep data of coordinates of fallen deeds in a spreadsheet or database for future Treasure Hunting reference.
  7. Add me back, Dale!! Bleu Bayou 6965, 2145 It's a very good song, just a little cheesy...
  8. Shydow and Sugar exemplified the best that Wurm had to offer...
  9. +1, any new furniture is an easy, marketable win.
  10. Bonne chance, Chakron! Niarja did more for the Wurm universe than any other tool. Others tried (myself included), but couldn't come close.