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About Grunty

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  1. The feeling of hardly knowing what I was doing, where to go, how to protect myself, how to feed myself, etc is what hooked me in the first place. The struggle of starting out was some of the most enjoyable times I've had in Wurm. I'd hate to see the starting experience of the game "dumbed down". I also think that initial challenge helps weed out some of the immature players that might lessen the enjoyment of everyone else. (Think Goldshire)
  2. I have mixed feelings about this one. Generally I like things to be difficult to earn. The harder it is to earn something, the greater the sense of accomplishment and pride for doing so. If this was a premium only game, I'd say no to the idea of titles at 20 skill, but being that 20 is the highest skill a free player can achieve, I'm ok with it. Even though they may not be directly paying into the game, Rolf made the decision to still make the game accessible to people that can't afford it and I applaud him for that. I say +1 for some free player titles
  3. I have uncared for the unicorn. That unicorn is very old and ready for eternal rest, I'm sure. Thought it was our horse too but apparently not. Ours would have been venerable by now
  4. This seems to happen quite often when I smelt down a tool back into iron. The resulting iron lump will still have the icon of the tool I smelted it from. Behaves as a normal lump of iron except it will let me repair it. (Can't normally repair lumps, can you?)
  5. This has happened to me twice. The butchered corpse is still there but invisible. Picking it up and dropping it made it visible again. Both times it was in a cave near water level. I think it was bear corpses both times for me
  6. Also having this issue on unstable client
  7. I'd love to see some lightning and just heavier downpours in general
  8. I am also having this problem with the unstable client only.