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Everything posted by Simyaci

  1. 3 is a good number for actions. I've played an insane ammount of alts with many new fresh starts and I've rarely felt the need to have 4 actions instead of 3. I like Nordly's idea. It took me many years on my main to get 50 mind logic for 6 actions. If you've reached it without hot food cooking or super hardcore grinding, it means you've played the game for a whole decade. It is not even endgame, it is endgame plus or beyond endgame. I don't think 6 actions should take 5 figure number of hours to reach. I'm giving 6 actions as an example because that's the highest I've got. I can't even imagine going for 9 or 10.
  2. This is a very good idea at its most basic form but I think you've made it far too complicated and added other mechanics on top of it making it less and less likely to be ever added into the game. I think it would be great if you could use a priest to spawn a creature on a random location on the map by using favor and the parts of the animal (crocodile parts to spawn a crocodile with a random type such as champion or slow) and get some small faith ticks from it as well as alignment. Each priest could spawn different types of creatures, all of which already in the game by using favor and animal parts. It would be fun to spawn horses so newbies could be surprised with horses in the wilderness. A lot of breeders kill their bad trait horses so they could spawn wild horses randomly on the map from the materials. You would get both faith and channel from doing this so it is a good way to gain skills while it gives you nothing materially.
  3. Sickle could be dangerous if it had a very pointy tip, a longer handle and a reverse sharp blade. Khopesh is basically a longsword that can't thrust. Sickle becomes a sickle-khopesh hybrid when you apply the jackal skin. Sickle in the game performs similar to a curved thin scimitar (with speed, damage ammount and damage type) but looks nothing like it. It wouldn't be too bad if we had a khopesh skin and a curved thin scimitar skin for sickle. Jackal Sickle Skin already looks similar to Khopesh but not that good.
  4. I'd say Sickle is a lost opportunity for a possible one handed piercing weapon variant. A slightly modified farming sickle would function similar to how a medieval military pick functioned.
  5. Flu was first seen in WW1 so it is not medieval. During the medieval times, humanity didn't have about %90 of the viruses and bacteria we have today and didn't have %99 of them in 1000 BC. They also didn't have nuclear reactors, atomic bombs, all kinds of waves for electronic devices, chemicals in food, water and air, plastics, chemical gasses from cooking and heating, pollution, medicines (with all kinds of side effects), low oxygen in air and low oxygen exposure, deodrants, low quality genetically modified food, low physical activity, high stress due wide reach of information and modern culture, low consumption of natural herbs and berries etc. so they must have had very few people with allergies.
  6. That's a great idea! Suggestion topic is the most active part of the forum and it needs subforums as suggestion categories.
  7. You get a -1 for each Priest I have
  8. Low value high development suggestions.
  9. Soap

    Yes to Roman baths, no to dropping soap
  10. Soap

    You have good ideas but you create a nightmarish environment to install these ideas. Why make the game harder to make soap relevant? The soap could instead provide disease resistance buff, less stamina drain buff, slightly more healing buff, smaller aggro radius buff with a timer. The timer would be decided by the QL.
  11. Take the blue pill and go prospect the whole server to find some Marble veins and mine them. Or Take the red pill and quit Wurm Online, then go work in a Marble Quarry.
  12. I think you are throwing your ideas out there while they are still incomplete and incompatible. Keep them in a little while longer and let them cook.
  13. Plunderers would be the ones who have 90ql large crates the next day after such change, if that is your main focus. The game is not meant to be a torture.
  14. Make it too complicated and too annoying, a lot of people will quit and you could be among them.
  15. Should = Already happened countless times in public slayings. Few = Majority of the playerbase. Bad Apples = People just playing the game as they are allowed to play. Spoil = Massive lag.
  16. Drinking alcohol and smoking is ''pay to be unhealthy'' so I think Wurm Online could also offer this choice by making sleep powder give 1h fatigue when consumed.
  17. Location locked Auction House would mean 30+ free alts in local, nothing more. Each alt would login, say hi and do its business in the auction house for a few minutes, then logout to be replaced by another free alt logging in to do the same. Some of the free alts would be let online just to check the auction house frequently. It would be clunky for no reason while possibly lagging the server.
  18. I don't want account sharing 24/7 char to compete with anybody in PvE or PvP. I wouldn't be that opposed to slightly faster fatigue regen while offline (than it is now) though.
  19. I am against removing fatigue system and also against increasing the regen speed but I think increasing the maximum fatigue could be a good idea bcause most players normally only come across running out of fatigue after they've been just hyperfocused on something for a few days. Increasing maximum fatigue wouldn't bring any issues with it as long as regen speed is kept the same.
  20. I'd like consuming 1 sleep powder to add 1 hour to fatigue.
  21. Can we already block a single topic completely from our view (not the poster entirely but one specific topic) so that we can filter out topics we have no interest in? Is the option already in the forums? If not, it could be a useful utility.