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About projectmayhem1983

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  1. Disconnects here. About every 5 mins or so, I disconnect and auto-reconnect. No clue why it started doing that. Been playing for my first 3 days just fine.
  2. Found one Thanks everyone for all the replies and PM's
  3. Hello all, Just downloaded the game and was reading some of the guides while downloading. It recommends learning to cook, build a clay jar, and joining a village, So, I figured I'd post here while I'm waiting on install to see if I can find a village prior to joining a server. So if anyone has room for a 100% noob with no idea what's going on, let me know If the game is fun enough, I may be able to get my wife into playing also. She enjoys sandbox games. From what I'm reading, this one seem very community driven as far as trading for things you need instead of just buying and selling.