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Everything posted by Drastox

  1. There was that one time that the game was being DDoS'd and he practically worked around the clock to help make it work again with constant feedback and chatter.... i nearly quit the game and that may have saved me 7 or so years of effort... But it was effort well spent. I cant imagine he'd even want to play this anymore.. a game played/worked on over such a long time would really get boring after some time surely...
  2. i like the thought,, i really do. Theres just one problem which would need to be thought of first and foremost. Your literally adding a money sink to raiders. Id sit and redrain a deed daily to get my sheckles and pay for premium.
  3. Close plz :)

  4. yeah was looking into the types of conversations that were had at the start of these forums... then i noticed that one and how close it was to the exact day.
  5. it was designed for pve players to enjoy pvp without loss of effort to maximise fun/lure some pve players who wouldnt normally give pvp a go. As sindusk has mentioned many times before, its not for everyone. quite a few people get demoralised from the loss of hours of working imping gear to have it lost in pvp. (im not biased here, i actually enjoy full loot pvp and dislike the no loot change)
  6. there are features players have waited 8 years or more for.. goodluck
  7. Close plz :)

  8. "I really wanna see Rolf dot hat in a barrel with a 20gramm fish and a spear " Does he even play? or is he even around at all? "But hey logic gets even better from here on." its pronounced as wogic, and it has no laws/physics/rules. It is how it is, and thats just about it
  9. yeah your right! Haven't changed this image in years
  10. Close plz :)

    Daily Bumperino
  11. My alarm clock in the morning, and the song that i play in my mind when serving customers at work.. particularly the part where it gets violent. Oh and not for the faint of heart this animation.. such gore,much violence
  12. i wish i were playing ten years ago.. really would have been happy to take part in the early days
  13. i could have gone two years earlier.. just figured 10 years was a nice rounded number
  14. annnnnd 10 years on and we are still asking what future updates will be like? i love old post resurrection
  15. 1x/1x on a single pvp map, doesnt need to be massive 8k map i guess if its the ONLY pvp server. Id like a much smaller map but i could imagine it'd look like cancer within a year or two. Id pay for this... and so would so many others. The reason why people have attempted to make wu servers this way and look at attempting our own esp blocking solutions is because we all know this would never happen. Maybe one day or not?
  16. i like how the dev team follows the same "lets implement this change and hope someone finds it" routine. It's almost as if your following rolf's guidelines or something.. it was something that he enjoyed and thought we all enjoyed (not speaking for everyone... but alot of people like simple dot points that display whats new... and thats it! (and i mean whats new, no hidden content, no "lol i left this out hope someone finds it", just 100% this is new and this is how to get it)) The only time this was fine was with the cooking update... that actually made sense and allowed for the few to stamp their names on recipes as the "first"
  17. why arn't capes just craftable? since when was this runescape.... just a thought
  18. Close plz :)

    rode around, claimed a spot... server looks absolutely amazing! early days so expect some big things here!. the traderroute mod is one to look out for...
  19. Close plz :)

    discord link is invalid, may also check this out!
  20. yeah i played on both wyvern and briefly logged into reborn. The turnout for wyvern in the very start was truly insane.
  21. i read like 10% of this suggestion... i think i read the start and then skipped to the end?!. 1+ and will come back for more than a day if this ever happened. Or would play a WU server with anti cheat.. sounds neato as well
  22. Always hated green scale.. you look like a lizard lol