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About Tonrae

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  1. 1 70ql dioptra 1 70ql rangepole 1 50ql cake tin Please COD to Tonrae
  2. Looking to take advantage of the bulk discount Please imp the following to 70ql: awl, BOTD83: 1s 26c carving knife, BOTD87: 1s 37c clay shaper (oak), BOTD86: 1s 34c file, BOTD88: 1s 40c grindstone, BOTD81: 1s 21c grooming brush (oak), BOTD82: 1s 24c knife, BOTD88: 1s 40c leather knife, BOTD82: 1s 24c mallet (oak), BOTD88: 1s 40c needle, BOTD89: 1s 44c sickle, BOTD89: 1s 44c spatula (oak), BOTD86: 1s 34c Also sending you a large axe, please imp it to 90ql COD all to character "Tonrae" Thnx in advance
  3. Exquisite meditation rug from the 10c pile, COD to Tonrae please
  4. pickaxe, BOTD91: 1s 53c shovel, BOTD91: 1s 53c Both w/ 80ql imp COD to Tonrae, Thanks!
  5. trowel, BOTD91: 1s 53c w/80ql imp COD to Tonrae Thanks!
  6. stone chisel, BOTD90: 1s 49c w/ 70ql imp COD to Tonrae
  7. 91ql - large rat pelt (80coc) 50c Please COD to Tonrae
  8. butchering knife, 88BOTD: 1s 97c COD to Tonrae please