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About Markcrow

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  1. Corn seems to be a little bit light in the weight. Corn is .10 and strawberries are .30. Seems to me that an ear of corn would weigh more than a strawberry. Or am I looking at it wrong?
  2. +1 I would love having domesticated cats.
  3. How about using practice dolls or have they been removed?
  4. Red Dragon

    Next on As The Wurm Turns: Honestly, I have never had a problem with Odynn nor anyone else in that group. I have never considered joining the group because I'm not into hunting, killing (and being killed by) the monsters in this game. I totally understand the requirements for hunting dragons and such and I think the rewards should go to those who do the work. I was happy to see a hunt made public until I realized the reason behind it was out of spite rather than kindness. Threads like this are the reason I stay a hermit, petty bickering raises my blood pressure too much. I do thank you LordLouis for hosting the public dragon hunt, but I wish it had not led to this nastiness.
  5. We have banks in this game for a reason. Unless you are trading with someone or buying from a merchant/trader, there is no good reason to keep coins outside a bank. If you don't trust the banking system you should keep the coins in your inventory (it's not like they weigh a lot). Keeping coins in a chest (locked or not), in a building (locked or not) and having anyone but yourself having access is just asking for trouble. And, after all this time, it would be near impossible to determine what happened to them. Personally, if I can't hold valuables, I have four alts who can.
  6. I don't PvP on this, or any other, game because that's not what I play games for. I play Wurm for the farming, building and mining aspects. I have a 70+ fighting skill from fighting the random monsters I run across. Frankly, though, I refuse to PvP because I have neither the time, equipment or want to try and beat those whose are experts at it. I have nothing against those who do PvP but getting killed and losing all my equipment would make me quit playing. I've rage quit before when monsters have killed me and I couldn't recover my equipment. It makes a game seriously unfun for me to have to start over when I don't have the skills to make high quality equipment and the grind to get there (or money to buy new) is not where I want to spend my time.
  7. After all this time, I've given up hope of finding the owner. At least I tried. I don't even use horse equipment since I almost never leave my deed. Just something else to dust off and repair. I might as well close this thread.
  8. It was Chaoskiller asking in kchat. I sent him a PM about it awhile ago and he hasn't responded. I doubt it was his horse, though, since he said his wasn't branded and this one was. I'm still trying to give the equipment to it's proper owner. If it belongs to someone and they can tell me the name of the horse, what color it was, what equipment was on the horse, exactly, and what deed it was branded to (all decent questions, I assume) then I will be more than happy to give the stuff to them. I just don't want to give the stuff over and then have the real owner come along.
  9. Found a dead horse on the road running through my deed (Ravensloft). Butchered it and then realized that it had equipment on it. PM me with the name of the deed it was branded to and exactly what equipment it had on it and I'll be glad and mail you (if it's mailable) the equipment.
  10. I apologize for having been missing but I will catseye the rest of the tunnel tonight. I'll be glad to have it connected.
  11. I killed a cow on my deed and a strange message popped up: Do not kill anyone but enemy players and this link. I would hate to get banned for thinning the herd. Oh, and I killed a bull a few minutes later and no message popped up. Is this to be expected or should I send this in as a bug?
  12. I haven't noticed it with the sheep and hens (though the hens bounce around like they are in a pinball machine - I have a narrow pen) but the cows and bulls are still ignoring the fence boundaries and are hanging half way through the fence.
  13. While I can understand that you felt the need to make changes to the animals movements, you could at least change the fences and walls so that animals recognize their visual boundaries? I couldn't find a hen today because she was in the middle of a wall. Seeing cows in the middle of wooden and stone fences is unnerving and breaks the realism of the game. Please fix this.
  14. -1 If I wanted the Epic experience I would go play on the Epic servers. I think that the ones who want this are Epic players who have forgotten how hard these creatures are to kill without massive experience, skills and equipment. Let Valrei creatures stay on Epic where they can be handled.
  15. Please COD 2 skull shoulder pads and a socketed ring (the ring is the one you can add runes to, correct? If not, just the shoulder pads) to Markcrow. Thanks