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Everything posted by FranktheTank

  1. Mordraug saying other people are triggered is the sweet nectar I needed directly into my veins. Please keep posting you magnificent creature.
  2. Seems to me like people keep mentioning going back, classic, or other classic games. Sounds like Epic needs a complete 180 from the rest of the game.
  3. Most of my considerate posts were on account 1 & 2. I account 3 I learned quickly how unfair some things are.
  4. Maybe some of the reason why people left is the fact they feel censored ingame and on the forums by staff who work to undermine discussion.
  5. Nice post delete losers. Deleting my memes won't bring the playerbase back.
  6. I cannot for the life of me understand why what you just said doesn't seem to permeate this entire community. How is it that only a few are really seeing what is going on? People should be angry.
  7. Shadowbane died because the game was trash. If it took months to destroy a city no one would ever go on the offense. True, and just don't have free accounts. *Shrug* Uh, that is not true. People knew each other before, never had "agreed upon duels at certain places/times" unless you count hota which was an in-game mechanic. Like that statement is entirely untrue. Yeah, but power balances shift, you cannot force people to pick one side over the other so how would you fix that? Sorry that happened to you, but if you are not on then you cannot defend your deed. Sucks! Okay, so they logged off and never came back again? Did they carry out massive amounts of items? On a FREE account? How did they get it out slowly over time? No one caught them that whole time? No one thought to pursue that individual and kill them? If they logged out I guess that sucks.
  8. Looks like someone is figuring out PR and retention. @AngelklaineI have been saying this game was on life support for a long time, Sindusk was an interesting variable to the mix that certainly changed the dynamic. With his depature I am not surprised by this change, and expect a life support announcement in the next year.
  9. I still say automated trading and mail as made the game was less social than if you had people trading with one another the way the game was intended.
  10. Covfefe - G Fuel Salesman addmeonsteamgodbless.
  11. I am so sick of having to boost this idea for a Wurm Classic server when it holds so much support but is not being acted on.
  12. Remember what troll used to look like? Somehow felt more intimidating. Oh you don't? Well if we bring back legacy statues you will!
  13. I love my gigabyte board, it is about 7 years old now.
  14. I thought it was Fat Tuesday.
  15. Would be neat to get birds eye views of my deed that are not just the map.
  16. In most cases the GM team is pretty dope. Most cases.
  17. 16GB is more than enough. You should be gucci for wurm, but any other game is going to be pretty bad. Source: I have even older parts
  18. Hey I noticed the last patch notes for Wurm Unlimited was in September, any plans for updates to Wurm Unlimited?
  19. Just comes down to one simple phrase really: Wurm was never meant to be a strictly PvE only game. What I mean is, the earliest iterations of Wurm Online still allowed combat on what was essentially "freedomesque" Jenn-Kellon Home. The game was always intended that if issues like this persisted, you could handle those situations yourself or with your crew even on the peaceful servers. But, since we insist on a server where no one can hwurt ur wettle fweeings you will run into situations like this with no possible reconciliation as no game rules were broken. Well with the game original intents, the reconciliations came at the end of a sword. In the true spirit of wurm, if a bunch of you wanted OblivionReaver to pay for his actions, you could round up a posse and take care of it. But guess what, you can't, so you make threads and whine, and provide me with popcorn content.
  20. It is amazing that it has been over 11 years of the same crap.
  21. I was murdered by a crocodile in the early days of my time on Chaos. I was young, scared, and ill equipped. Hell's Kitchen was not the greatest provider but they helped me immensely. Upon passing my corpse a strange woman cloaked approached on a sail boat, her name was Melpy. She greeted me pleasantly enough, but then asked an unsettling question. "Hey can I have your corpse? It is not butchered right?" she asked. I looked back at my bloated corpse, floating in the water, it was naked and showed signs that it have been severely mauled. I felt appalled by it. But I was not familiar with the culture of the Horde. "S-sure, it's yours." I muttered. The cloaked figured reached for her paddle, pulling the waterlogged flesh towards her, loaded it aboard and set sail. Some time later, I was passing through a murky swamp covered in mycelium and mushroom. The twisted trees seemed to bend towards you and stare as you move across what little road remained from the Jenn-Kellon empire. I noticed a small stone house, tucked away among the trees, it appeared to be some sort of hovel, covered in branch and mud to hide it. My curiosity was peaked naturally, and I decided to investigate. The air was tense, and the smell of rot seemed to emanate from the dwelling, thick fog began rolling in, making travel difficult. I peered into the window of the home, the smell was unbearable. Then I heard it. "Da-De" A tingle went up my spine, and then what reached through the window was a disgusting abomination that looked vaguely like me. I fell back. "DAAD DEE" it screeched. Arm trying to reach me. Through a second window, red piercing eyes, of what appeared to be a child smiling, at my shock by the incident. Its teeth sharp as a wolf's, skin paler than Seris and those eyes blazed red as a lava demons. I noticed above the door a sign that said "Melpy's Abode" I was terrified. I don't know what happened in that house, and what those were, but I was told by an elder that the Sea Witch Melpy commonly took the corpses of fallen Horde and raised them to have children which did her bidding. To this day I have fear.