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Everything posted by Neb

  1. Clearance Sale

    Auctions will begin once i have recovered from the surgery I have on Monday 17th. Not sure when ill be able to spend time at my computer.
  2. My apologies to everyone concerned. I posted out of fear, due to a lack of understanding. I got annoyed in responding to replies of others and I lost control of my intentions. At most : i hoped that the confusion may be avoided in future, perhaps with a note at login or prod to check forum / emails. (@Ayes : I honestly believed I could have been banned for breaching an edict.. Yes, I naively expected that a discussion over the root cause of the situation could continue in the thread we have for PvE rules, hence my comments regarding Hijacking, posted before i had read Enki's response.) I have stated from the outset that I accept the judgement of Staff, my annoyance over the matter stemmed from the lack of information available, nothing more. I understand why this the judgement was made & i see how i have overreacted to the situation and the responses of others. Again : my apologies.
  3. Clearance Sale

    Would appreciate any advice you may have on base prices.. List collated, PM me again with offers fr misc items. Auctions start tomorrow.
  4. So as i understand it : > You can be found guilty by association with another player committing a rules violation. > You may have a judgement imposed upon you without any notification of said judgement, and be expected to comply. > Staff my engage in deformation of character / damage your online reputation. (non of which is mentioned in the Rules or EULA) > the logical conclusion of which is trust no one (one person per village) no friends and don't talk to anyone privately I hope the staff can understand why I will ( and others may ) leave wurm.
  5. All of the following items are for sale :- To be auctioned for Euro black drake +ASOP ~80E green drake (no cap) ~75E Green Dragon skull ~30E Farwalker Amulet (56ql) ~56E Farwalker Amulet (70ql) ~70E Bag of Keeping ~100E Seryll lumps (5x 80ql, 3x 90ql, 5x 93+ql) ~ 40E To be sold Individually (euro prefered) Seryll plate sabaton 30ql ~ 3E plate leggings 30ql ~ 3E (sold) plate leggings 90ql ~ 5E plate gauntlet 30ql (x2) ~ 3E open helm 30ql ~ 3E open helm 90ql ~ 5E great helm 30ql ~ 3E chain jacket 90ql ~ 5E Green drake Hide ~ 1E Soft cap ~2E Gnome x4 ~4E (each) Fireworks x4 ~3E (each) Easter Egg x2 ~2E (each) Snow lantern ~5E Small magical chest ~20E Transmutation Fluid x2 ~5E (each) SpyGlass (sold) Hand mirror ~1E Scuplting wand (60charge) ~25E Scuplting wand (23charge) ~10E Scuplting wand (1charge) (sold) Rod of transmutation x3 ~ 30E (each) Images Item 1 - Black Drake with AoSP Item 2 - Green Drake (no cap) Item 3 - Seryll Miscellaneouse Items
  6. So my topic got hijacked , what did i expect... Lock plz.
  7. @yashua : My view of this matter is biased and incomplete, so i decline to post more than is necessary. @Clatius : you should be aware that.... @Brash : I agree, I simply see two opposing viewpoints, and a member of staff doing the best they can with the situation at hand, and tools available to them. And yes i am aware i appear to contradict myself, however whilst I accept why the judgement was made (and would likely have made the same decision myself) what i have issue with is the judgement was passed upon me in-abstentia.
  8. Please take your discussion of PvE rules back to the relevant topic. This topic was intended as nothing more than an announcement of something i feel the community needs to be aware. I expect this topic to be deleted : Thus no one will be aware that : You could have movement restrictions imposed upon you, in your absence, that could result in your account being banned. AND that said restrictions will not be communicated to you by those making said judgement. I still maintain my view point that : "I can see (that) everyone involved - without exception - is doing what they feel is best for the game in the long run,"
  9. I have deliberately not mentioned names places or staff. I can see everyone involved - without exception - is doing what they feel is best for the game in the long run, (Including those who play devils advocate by attempting to force a debate on the issue). I simply feel the community needs to be aware that the actions of the few can impact the many.
  10. I have been made aware that should I travel within local range of a particular deed I will receive an account ban. & under current rules : if I discuss the threat of a Ban i could receive an account ban. The majority of the alliance this decision affects are placing items and accounts up for sale. Most of us are now too scared or unwilling to play, whilst I feel obliged to seek legal advice. I acknowledge that by raising this issue I risk loosing 300-500 euros of items on my accounts and 10 years of investment that i would dearly love to continue..... ....however ..... I feel the wider community needs to be aware of the implications of "play nice" effecting entire alliances, through no action of the individual player.
  11. Independent NON-player based moderation is the only true solution, imo. Any player GM / moderator is placed in the impossible situation where by any decision they are forced to make is going to be perceived as favoritism, bias, or corruption by those on the negative end of that decision and in some cases (in other games i have played ) these decisions have been influenced by the risk of in game consequences as a result.
  12. Land Shark Pop-up

    I seek your advice, to avoid issues in the future. - with regards to the mechanic of traveling from one sever to another.... - and avoiding us creating problems where boats could appear ----- on land ----- within structures ----- on future bridge Piers (dirt 2x2 stack) built near to the server edge. ? Would it be wise to leave tiles 20-40 from a server edge as deep water ? (a tile measurement from the first tile of the "shark warning" could be more useful in-game.) Example, there is a small land mass on the southern Deli border, when traveling from Exo we 'seam' to jump the island. - I have considered building a Landbridge, or series of bridges (once implemented) North from Exo towards this. - I also have a deed at the southern most tip of Exo where there is a small gap of 50ish tiles to the server edge. Thanks for any clarification you might add to our "educated guesses" from in-game testing.
  13. Wunion article ideas welcomed

  14. +1 Vote for no change, I rarely try to get anything to within 5 of skill, With 87LW i'll stop at 80ql With 87 Fine carp i'll stop at 80ql Comparing logs from recent Spring impalong - the timing of these two skills with almost identical tools is very similar. (to 70ql)
  15. IF you have lottory tickets to redeam and cant make it back to arcanum before the deadline - Mail me on the forum to discuss alternatives to visiting Arcanum
  16. I am delivering the following prizes 30 - Small maul w64 c50 - <aussiecanuk> 31 - Small anvil c51 - <cycy> 33 - Spindle 80ql - <ZeroByte> 35 - Large shield 85ql - <Slaving>
  17. Unclaimed prizes / tickets 5 - Forge imp voucher - <> - 6 - wetstone C23 - <> - 10 - Fruit press - <> - 15 - Mallet - <> - 16 - loom imp voucher - <> - 44 - mallet w49 - <> - I think we should put a time limit on collection of these. Say 2 weeks from now? With remaining items to be retained for future prizes?
  18. Jo - you clearly don't realize that the ratio changes after every trade, Anyone with a lvl 4 knowledge toon is able to see the ratio, Example I have a trader set up for my alliance to use, so 6 players can pay their up-keeps. As each person drains of their upkeep the ratio drops, We check daily that its still over 0.2ratio & still earning coins, The system works only because non of the alliance takes more than they need each economic period. Note : rarely get more than 15s-18s a month back, @EXO Now lets apply this to a public trader. ( "I" = devils advocate since I haven't used another's trader since i placed mine) I wait till the public trader cycle resets, I log my alt to see if someone has set the ratio up at the public trader, I drain the coins used to put the ratio above 0.2 and put the ratio under 0.2 = No more coins gained until the ratio is fixed by someone buying things, which are instantly drained by the next alt that logs in to drain , As soon as the ratio is left below 0.2 the trader is basically a waste of space imo Public traders haven't worked since the economic ratio was added, I spent about 1s a day resetting the ratio at "Merchant town" after this change was made - before i realized it was unsustainable. & realized I was better of just giving coins away or exchanging 20c for 20kindling as i also did (until Samling moved and i gave MT away). Put simply Jodobo - stop wasting your time questioning how players use private traders. (including yourself since you have admitted to 3 private traders - ? hypocrisy much ?) "WE" need to address this in forum topics: It is not the players use of traders that is broken - it is the traders themselves* *As pointed out by fathertime and spellcast and to an extent Gavin. - maybe its time to listen to some of the more experienced players views, those that have a better understanding of economy, rather than continuing on with the 4th or 5th "Lets stop Wurms elite dominating Traders" thread <Yawn>
  19. Griefers On Exo

    Hunted status means the player may be attacked, by anyone. It does not mean that they can be looted, like outlaws can. And yes those things that are against PvE rules should result in outlaw status imo, eg lock picking What is Reputation stat used for these days anyhow?
  20. Many of us are all ready redistributing wealth. Just handed out around 15s of coins + in prizes at the spring imp-along (+about 30s of prizes donated by players) I also agreed to purchase about 15s of bulk items from newer players who are saving for premi, About 4months trader income, giving me 4 months to save for Xmass giveaways, Those with large deeds that relly on trader income usually have villagers, How many players would leave Wurm if they weren't able to find a place to build up their skills before earning thier own settlement form.... I don't think you have much idea of how the economy of wurm functions personally; As for your suggestion, your traders would get claimed/locked down within a matter of weeks I've placed about 3 public traders over the years but eventually I get bored of froob alts camping the trader and trade blocking for hours on end; Which you then have to KoS only for them to bring in the next alt.... So your quitting playing in one topic this morning, but still making trader rage topics ...... If you don't have the commitment to reach 50LW, one of the easier skills, then this game isn't for you. o/
  21. Griefers On Exo

    Providing additional evidence could speed things up.
  22. Griefers On Exo

    Indeed the FCC are guidelines, however it is my understanding that it has been used for grounds to initiate ban proceedings. I am disappointed that a good proportion of the Rule's requires Rolfs interaction to provide sufficient evidence for GMs to act upon its requirements. Mattdown, we've done our research (read the entire thread n you'll see) that the same player names are banned from many minecraft servers for similar activities, I agree, and hope they will get bored. In the mean time there is much to be gained in organizing ourselves in the hope that one of these two outcomes is reached sooner.
  23. Griefers On Exo

    Read the FCC SOme clarification, that may not be immediatly clear but is "MY" undertsanding of how the FCC is interpreded by GM Trapping players is aggainst the rules You may not place a deed over players logout position and trap/KoS or Reinforce them inside a cave Players must be given an opertunity to leave an area beofre KoS is activated. "If they were informed and immediatly log out then on deed (inside a pen or cave) then that is their issue upon login" Persue them, Collect logs, report them, Do not involve yourself with flame wars or get drawn into breaking the rules or code of conduct
  24. Griefers On Exo

    No not important : I am impotent, i will and have not taken direct action & I will not support this. (see bold type) Note : My earlier post on bounties is in reference to the players commenting them selves that they were active on Epic, which is as yet to be confirmed by my contacts, ie i believe it to be an un-truth at present. I simply offer guidance and stick my neck out publicly, thus I am contacted by many for advice and will give it. I repeat that the GM should be left to handle any rules infractions, WE should do nothing more than monitor and report. Use locate, log their actions, & do not act unless you wish to risk a ban yourself. As a real world parallel : - We should do no more than act as UN monitoring troops, the GMs are our Hauge court of law. - this includes standing by when your horse is attacked or locks are picked & players are insulted. From a respected player speaking personally and not in their official role