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About Glycian

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  1. Contributing, this is the actual ore distribution on the Ocrea map: Iron - 1.3473 Gold - 0.0662 Silver - 0.1056 Zinc - 0.1089 Copper - 0.1068 Lead - 0.1070 Tin - 0.1071 Marble - 0.0267 Slate - 0.0205 *Note that this is from all veins on the map, even the clusters, so using these values exactly would yield the same number of veins, but spread out evenly.
  2. I'm working to get this in the correct format to work with the mod loader, but I thought I'd go ahead and share how to make these modifications now. I'm not including a working jar for now so you'll have make these changes and compile yourselves. File: server/behaviors/ 1. The first part is to adjust how often the level/flatten action will tick (this is not the timer time, but how often you "get" or "move" dirt). Line 172: if ((act.currentSecond() % 10 == 0 && act.getNumber() == 150) || (act.currentSecond() % 5 == 0 && act.getNumber() != 150) || insta || counter == 1.0f) { Action 150 is flatten. You can adjust the 10 and the 5 after the modulus to change your flatten and level times accordingly (these are in seconds and get multiplied out to action times later on). 2. The second part is to change the length of the timer itself to correspond to your action tick times Lines 256-258: int tickTimes = 5; if (act.getNumber() == 150) { tickTimes = 10; } Same thing as above. The 10 and 5 will get used to determine the timer time when flattening and leveling.(e.g. if you change time above to 2 sec and 5 actions are needed to finish, timer would be 10 to match the time from step 1) Also, on line 285 you can adjust the minimum timer time (100.0 deciseconds or 10.0 seconds by default) I haven't tested how this impacts leveling or flattening special tiles (clay, peat, etc)
  3. I have this exact same issue on my laptop. The textures move with me (heights stay). I also have the unfortunate feature that If I open the settings both in game and through the launcher, the game stops responding indefinitely. I have to go and manually adjust the settings files to adjust them. I just gave up playing on the laptop. 5th Gen Intel® CoreTM i7-5500U processor Features a 4MB L3 cache and 2.4GHz processor speed with Turbo Boost up to 3.0GHz. Windows 10 8GB DDR3 memory ; 1TB hard drive (5400 rpm) ; NVIDIA GeForce 840M graphics Feature 2GB dedicated video memory
  4. I'm pretty sure that the breeding time modifier is used when checking to see if a creature is in the mood. More specifically, upon failure of breeding, the total time until the creature is in the mood again will be divided by the breeding time modifier, thus decreasing the time until the creature will be in the mood again. I haven't been able to determine if it is used anywhere else, but I highly doubt it.
  5. Unless you edit the code and compile it yourself, you won't retain previous modifications to the server files (unless all are in separate class files and you just replace them separately). So if you want an easy way for undying crops (someone else compiles it for you), you would have to overwrite any existing server.jar modifications and replace it with the server.jar with the undying crops mod. I think calling the disband settlement sound file upon reaching tileAge 7 would be an acceptable alternative
  6. I believe the spawn coordinate settings are by tileX and tileY. The database file will use a separate position coordinate system than this. You could probably figure out how to convert one to the other as it is most likely a direct ratio (although maybe not the same directionally). However, it would probably be easiest to log into a GM character, move to the stones and examine the tile you want to set the spawn location to to get the tile coordinates.
  7. I was doing /kingdoms sorry. It doesn't do anything. No message at all. I've created a clean creative local server, changed the server to epic, no homeworld, and I get the same issue. I'm not able to choose kingdoms or anything. I think there's something up with the wurmzones.db default on creative servers that isn't working well with epic settings. Still looking into it.
  8. else if (tileAge < 7) { if ((tileAge == 5 || tileAge == 6) && Server.rand.nextInt(3) < 2) { return; } Or make a copy of this (tileAge<7) and exit the check growth method more frequently, but it'd still be random.
  9. From what I can tell, guard towers have not needed to be build within your own Kingdom's influence for quite a while now. They should be able to be built where there is no influence as long as the distance from other guard towers requirements are met. There are currently zero guard towers on the map though since they can't be built anyway. The /kingdom command gives an unknown command error. Is there a setting that would cause that? I did not set the kingdom spawns, and everyone begins as Freedom and then must join a kingdom. I never played on a WO Epic server. Are you able to be part of the Freedom kingdom or have I glitched something out by not choosing Kingdom spawn points and choosing Epic?
  10. Players on my server are unable to build guard towers. It doesn't give any type of error message; it just immediately stops action. I believe this may be something to so with kingdom settings. It is an Epic creative server that is not a home kingdom server. I assumed that meant players would just build towers to begin kingdom influence. However, even though players show to be of different kingdoms based on available chats and examination, none of the kingdom related slash commands work at all. They just give unknown command errors. Does anyone know if this is just not working or do I have some other settings or permissions configured improperly? [solved] After testing, I had no issues building towers myself. I found out that the players having the issues were trying to build them too close to the bone altar. However, the error message for building too close to bone altar does not appear for them nor when I tested it myself near the altar.
  11. I modified the fxml file containing the password field popup so that my password is always entered. This is really only beneficial if you're going to be using a single server so you're not changing the password a lot since you have to edit the file to change it. The file path is Steam\SteamApps\common\Wurm Unlimited\WurmLauncher\launcher-data\serverPopup.fxml Change line 16 from: <PasswordField fx:id="passwordField" layoutX="20.0" layoutY="100.0" onAction="#okButton" prefHeight="35.0" prefWidth="307.0" styleClass="serverPasswordField" /> To: <PasswordField fx:id="passwordField" layoutX="20.0" layoutY="100.0" onAction="#okButton" text="REPLACETHISTEXTWITHYOURPASSWORD" prefHeight="35.0" prefWidth="307.0" styleClass="serverPasswordField" /> Replace REPLACETHISTEXTWITHYOURPASSWORD in the quotes with whatever your password is.
  12. You're right about needing to look into the database files. All of these settings are located in the login.db database file. I believe they're in the settings table. Since I'm not experienced with editing sql databases via SSH, I transfer the database file to my windows PC, change the settings, then transfer the file back to the server.
  13. Here's some advice for someone who has zero experience with a VPS. I'm assuming WU will use steamCMD in this explanation. 1. Selecting a server: I would try to find a server that is physically located near you to minimize latency. Since you are only looking to host for yourself, any server with 4 GB of RAM and a basic Intel Xeon processor will be fine (see Warlander's post in your other thread). I would recommend choosing Ubuntu 14.04 for the Linux distribution. This is a selection you make yourself when purchasing a VPS. SteamCMD works very well with it, and since most tutorials are written for this version, it may save you a lot of trouble to stick with it from the get go. 2. Accessing server: Server access is easily done via SSH, which is basically remote accessing the server with a console line(visually similar to command prompt in windows). You will be given a server IP and password from the hosting company that you use in an SSH client (i.e. Putty) on your machine to access the server. 3. Setting up steamCMD: After logging in via SSH, you'll be able to follow tutorials to properly setup users, create steam directory, download CMD files, unzip files, install files, download and install specific game servers, open game ports, run game servers, edit config files, etc. Many of this can be done with direct copy/paste from tutorials. Even if WU doesn't use steamCMD, it will follow a similar process to get it running that I would expect to have tutorials posted soon after release.