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Everything posted by Macadelic

  1. Well, there ya have it. All that ruckus for nothing. What a good, shithead samaritan! lol
  2. This is what I am screaming. It is a game. No need to be so sentimental. If anyone (who was not bff with Eir of course) ran across a decaying property, they would most definitely grab anything of any value. In fact, a lot of people would even grab the things that have absolutely no value. It happens every day. I totally understand that Eir is ill and away from the game and I hate that for her. I hope things take a swing for the better for her in the near future. However, my question is, if the item was important to her, why would she not have put it in a safe place? She took the time to make post to the forum advising that she was stepping away from the game for a while. That being said, why couldn't she have dropped some money on upkeep to ensure that everything stayed in place? Another option would have been to hand the more desireable items off to one of her fans to keep safe until she returns. Or maybe she could have just kept the item in her inventory. The point that I am trying to make is here is that there are plenty of simple actions that could have been made to prevent this situation. If Eir and Tgod want to work something out, that is between them. Otherwise, the item was recovered from a decaying property, which is absolutely fair game. If you want it, place bid!