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About Araithe

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  • Pristine
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  1. I would like to order this " two handed sword 71QL NB87 FB78 C86 MS72 3s93c 1s96c " COD Yiraia
  2. Hey I would like to buy " stone chisel 85ql 82 woa - 1.74s " COD Yiraia
  3. Hey! My 2nd town owner has gone inactive and I was hoping that you were recruiting. The name is Yiraia in Pristine and I may require a bit of help transporting my tools and what not. PS: Pumpernickel would like to join as well
  4. -1, believe it or not. If it snows enough irl you cant see the ground, deal with it
  5. -1 creative but seems childish...extremely childish, and useless. Just something to walking around in and get a laugh.
  6. +1 one good thing to add is the player on a horse in 2 different ways. A horse with its front feet lifted in the air as if the player is ready in battle, and another where the horse is on all four.
  7. I dont know what to say... Pizza can very well be added and has no downside... but barely an upside. There are enough foods covering different nutrition. And if you really wanna play around and say you have pizza then rename your meal "Pizza".
  8. +1 i liked the idea of using salt to preserve meat (does it already) but this is much cheaper and still practical considering the ice can only be harvested in one season
  9. You may end up having large chest filled with gold coins but they will have no value since they are easy to make, forcing you to trade items as you just use coins to fuel up your premium time and how long a town will last
  10. -1 a gold mine will instantly make a person rich and ive seen many around by simply walking through caves i see. A slightly better idea may be to be able to forage coins from grass tiles with skill <20. Obviously 1 - 5 iron coins to make it non op but even that wont do much since foraged items can be sold to settlement token
  11. Any projectile in wurm shouldnt be good against plate or else melee would be somewhat useless. And by grenades i meants small handheld bombs like stink bombs pirates had made, not the grenades you see today. In my sight crossbows are just prefered to make life easier in combat for people who cant stand fighting a person face to face.
  12. -1 just a useless addition that should only be added when theres free time and no problems. There are 3 bows made as a perfectly non-op ranged weapons. Crossbows are much more accurate and a bit more on the modern side. If that would be added then they may as well combine a ball and random items in it to make a grenade
  13. +1 Green houses would be an interesting add. A place where plants can grow about a day faster if planted inside. Maybe something started off with a mallet or hammer, then glass and iron ribbons, plenty of them