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Everything posted by Chemiq

  1. Just get 'jre8-openjdk' and 'iced-webtea' via pacman and run wurmonline.jnlp applet by 'javaws'. Don't forget about getting graphic card drivers
  2. Coz you are not able to receive private messages on forum im posting here Would you accept them all :P?
  3. I think they are just not intended to be painted. You can paint your great helms too but their colours will be not visible when worn on head.
  4. Looking for someone to convert my 30faith follower in to a priest. I'm going to travel.
  5. Yeah.. and can be reversed in 180 days since transaction for any reason in any time. Sellers wants to feel safe too but most of people doesnt understand that. It's amazing payment method for both sides but not when you are going to exchange your virtual goodies for real money.
  6. My offer is 6s for 91QL rare small anvil (w95, c63). CoD to Chemiq if its fine for you
  7. seromon group

    Is any seromon group out there? (I'm not sure if its valid category for thread like this so please move it if not)
  8. My bad, wrong thread lol
  9. is this event for active accounts only?
  10. As title says, this character is for sale. (without tools/items) Actual skills: Meditation path: Path of knowledge I don't have price in my mind at this moment. Please post your serious offers via PM. Changed my mind
  11. sold

    I'm selling 100s ingame currency for 100€ via paypal, verified only. Send me forum pm if you are interested
  12. change to
  13. Pickaxe, iron (coc 93) to Chemiq
  14. knowledge so extra +25% skillgain
  15. I just want to check how much my character could be worth (I'm not going to sell it right now, just want to know its value :D)
  16. Hiya, I'm looking for someone who has high skill in metallurgy (75+ atleast) to make steel for me. I'm providing materials for this job (coal and iron lumps). Send me your offer via forum PM how much do you want for 1k actions.