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Everything posted by Xalorum

  1. Ok...deep breath. i don't have time to test. i have a smc with 98ql meals. This keeps my nutrition around 96%. will this update change that? Will I be forced to do something else to keep my nutrition st 96%? thanks.
  2. There's an artifact that allows you to summon a dragon?
  3. I've woken up in the middle of the night from a dream where I was in dying in pvp, several times. I like to think that I've gotten better over the years, but every once in awhile...
  4. when everyone starts hitching only horses will we remove them and force everyone to use bison? and then bulls? where does the madness end?
  5. Disagree, but you're welcome to that opinion. Can't wait to find out which of the next assumptions I have that make the game easier to play will be deemed bugs and removed.
  6. I'm glad you were able to read the minds of the devs. Been playing a long time and I'm still not clear on what it considered to be a bug or what's WAI. I've been playing under the assumption that as long as they were hitched when not unruly that they'd fall in line and stay that way - like training an animal. I don't consider that a bug.
  7. another detriment to quality of life. extremely disappointing.
  8. You guys are insane. How could you POSSIBLY think this would be a welcome change? Were you expecting this backlash and weren't adequately prepared to deal with it, or are you so far out of touch with your playerbase that you thought this would go over well? Either way, you failed. Miserably.
  9. This quote wins the day. Excellent reference.
  10. oh god, please no more complexity for food, I already hate having to eat.
  11. Here is one reason why reputation can be so important. I never had any interaction with him but had just a ton of respect because he was universally respected by so many others. I heard stories of how generous and giving he was - respectful and respected. my condolences to his family, in-game and out.
  12. +1 except I'd really prefer a bit of a smaller map.
  13. Perhaps at his and lokedotts old deed on exo? I would volunteer to assist with this
  14. Holy hell. I literally would have left Wurm years ago if legionnaire has not looked after me as a noob. For years he passed along tools, weapons, knowledge, you name it. He told me many times about his heart problems but I never knew it was this bad. This was truly one of the best humans I've known. There are no words.
  15. Please remove the deed 'Hole', I never asked to be listed on this map. Thanks.
  16. I can completely see a rift, tons of mobs around, just about everyone coordinating to kill them ... and one loner running around dodging mobs and collecting the resources to sell on the forums later.