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About mememachine

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  1. Make sure to let me join your deed so I can steal all your locked stuff
  2. Its in the PvE side of the map, So PvP can't happen unless you KOS or something right?I am not so familiar with the rules of PvE servers, but it seems implied that PvP can't really happen normally from the rules. Also things like lockpicking are illegal which eliminates a couple skills and parts of the economy because of that.
  3. Seems I forgot that Xanadu is the biggest server, I am not implying in the slightest that the new PvP server would need to be nearly as large, or even large at all, but a single server which is new would be the best, I think that splitting up epic into home servers where invaders get debuffed is bad for PvP, so seeing everyone on a single server, and letting the players decide the territory for each faction on that server would be a better alternative anyway as it inherently incites more conflict as factions want to have more land for themselves.
  4. Am just going to get some vets opinions (or even Rolf's) on the likelihood a PvP version of the Xanadu event will happen. I am very interested in this game, but I just cannot bring myself to play on a server where PvP will basically be nonexistent. PvE/AI just cannot challenge you the way a real person can, and once you learn all the patterns and such it just ends up becoming stale. Building alone cannot satiate me either, because past a point you are just making your stuff bigger and bigger because you really dont have much else to do, not to mention there is very little incentive to build up a fortress anyway when there is no PvP. Also before Epic is presented to me, I don't want to start on a server that is years old and I will be behind for a very long time without some hardcore grinding. I know the curve and xp boost is there to alleviate some of that, but there are other games I can play for PvP without being at such a disadvantage. The sandbox aspect of this game is very appealing, and if a new server was started similar to Xanadu which is PvP I could definitely see myself playing this game. So I have to ask what is the likelihood of such a thing happening?