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Everything posted by kreanox

  1. Shipyard Du Lys : (506,698). Thanks !
  2. Allo David, je suis présentement sur Xanadu dans la zone M-24. Je construis mon propre deed et je ne recherche pas à me grouper, mais si tu veux venir t'établir dans la région il me fera un plaisir de t'aider ! Beaucoup de place dispo ici, spécialement si tu as un bateau.
  3. Hello, Could you please add my deed, Fort Quebec, at coordinates : 6879, -4407 ? Thanks !
  4. I understand your point and share it to an extent, but don't you consider asking for a refund/ boycotting the game an extreme reaction ?
  5. Hello, I've been thinking about resubbing to WO since a few days now. Having last played during Xanadu Launch (time flies..), I was wondering if you had any tips/suggestions for a returning player from 2014. For instance, which server is the most active & suited to start anew ? I still have my Corbita and a good set of armor - I can manage myself against wild mobs. Looking forward to see you ingame !
  6. +1, because of all the arguments said above, and I would like to have a fishing smoking hut near my house
  7. Yep bonne idée ! Redonne-nous des nouvelles !
  8. Salut Salut ! Jouez-vous encore ? Ça fais du bien de voir des francais sur Wurm ! Pour ma part je suis un Quebecois sur Xanadu ( Whitefall plus précisement ) au Nord-Ouest de l'île. Si vous voulez toujours faire un village Francophone, je serais partant ! Au plaisir de vous voir In-game, Kreanox Ingame et Forum
  9. Down goes Xanadu

    Aww, I hope I'll not lose my ship.