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Everything posted by Revelation

  1. A pike/spear/lance. Basically the model isn't much more than a shaft with a metal pointy tip. What I'm thinking is this could be interesting for mounted combat, a footsoldier armed with a pike would be able to severely cripple a mount for a duration of time depending on his pike/fighting skill and the other person's mount skill (if there will be one) forcing the other to dismount and fight on equal footing if you get a good jab in. Likewise someone on a mount would be able to charge lowly footmen if he had a lance equipped, possibly adding a temporary speed bonus for charging into the fray, and maybe stunning and/or giving the footman a nasty wound. Charges on open terrain like steppe would have an higher chance of succeeding, whereas performing a charge in a tree infested forest would be very hard indeed. Charges would maybe also be able to be practiced on a new sort of doll, basically a practice doll with elongated arms, holding an archery target either side. That comes pretty close to what they may have used in medieval times iirc, and shouldn't be too hard to do. Other suggestions and constructive criticism is welcome
  2. Don't like the idea for healing covers, I always like to keep a few dozen around the house so I don't have to spend half a day making them when I fancy hunting.
  3. I prefer studded, don't even want to think about walking slower than this.
  4. Just level NT, rebuild merchant row with stalls, not buildings. And for the love of god stop planting "..." Willow trees there. just for good measure, make NT a size 100 deed or so where nobody lives or is allowed to live,
  5. Could you please give me some info on how the fight system used to be?
  6. I say no, if the person got banned he should have thought more about the consequences of him being banned when he was holding the village's dragon scales.
  7. That, my friend, is not a shortsword, neither would either of those swords be any good for fighting. The shortsword is clearly decorative, it would break in a real fight. The longsword seems too thing, wouldn't hold an edge well enough to last.
  8. Yes but... undermining the spawn wasn't illegal?
  9. "If the founding tile of the settlement has a house or fences, the token is moved to a random spot away from them. The deed borders do not move with it. " Wiki is there for a reason.
  10. Easy enough to do this already. Make a new character, when you die once just never use it again. Doesn't sound so appealing now, does it?
  11. 1 kilo of water = 1 liter of water. Therefore if something can hold for example: 800 kilos of water it can hold a combined volume of 800 liters.
  12. 'How I mine for fish?" You ask? Well I'll tell you how you mine for fish! With one of Revelation's BRAND NEW IMPROVED SUPER DUPER MEGA DELUXE EXXXTREME.... Fishaxes.
  13. The sail boat should always have at least the same speed as the rowboat + wind influence. Why did I have to add oars to my sailing bout if I can't row it to get the same speed as a rowboat?
  14. Yup, either that or I magically float above the water some 20 feet away from the boat.
  15. Anyone else have trouble logging in to the home server, again?
  16. Well I just started playing Wurm a little while ago, made myself a nice little farm and whatnot. So I came across a zinc vein the other day and decided to mix some dye, after painting my nice little cottage a quaint shade of white I decided to paint my farm fence white too, trying to get the idyllic white picket fence look (albeit we don't have picket fences in Wurm, you get my drift), imagine my surprise when Wurm refuses to let me dye my fence. Therefore I suggest we be able to paint fences, as I'm sure more of you would like a lovely white fence. All in favor say "Aye"?