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Posts posted by griper

  1. I think it would be cool with some new playable races.

    Maybe start with Elves and Dwarves.


    They wouldnt need any special rules. Just a some new graphics.


    Already existing players could get a one time choice of which race they would be, much like the hand mirror thing.



    What do you think?




  2. I used the downtime to put up some shelves. This went well until I placed a metal helmet on the top of one of them. After 3 min the shelve couldnt take the weight and came crashing down bringing the other with it. Apparently I have even lower carpentry skills offline than online so for heavens sake get the servers up before I cause an even worse accident and injure someone.

  3. Can some mod pls clean this thread?

    Its got alot of off topic text that can be reduced.


    On topic:

    I would very much like to see an extended late game.

    * Cool sorcerer abilities, making magic rings, books, staffs and stuff. Finding magic nodes in the wilderness that are useful in some ways. The highest tiers of sorcery could require that you find seldom spawning objects in the wilderness.

    * Random spawning (once a week?) of dangerous creatures that you have to team up to kill (but weaker than dragons). And when butchered, produces real treasure (glimmersteel nuggets? karma?).

    * You could extend the normal skills as well, creation skills above 90 gives an increasing chance for rares, uniqes etc.

    * Skills go over 100. I have no idea how it would work, but current skills over a certain value (95?) could be converted to a new rating to avoid people losing any effort spent in skill grinding.

    * Spawning of entire tribes of trolls/goblins that plague an area. They dont leave unless you kill their leaders.

  4. I got alot of horses killed before I figured out how to deal with it.

    Always use barding when hunting. If you approach a creature and the fight window doesnt pop up, ride away, since it probably means the creature is targeting the horse.

    If you hear your horse getting hit, ride away immediately.

    I think horses should be targeted sometimes, since it adds real danger to hunting.

  5. I played on Chaos (or rather Wild as it was called then) a few years ago. Then I moved through a portal to the Freedom Isles. All my good gear was left on my character at Chaos. Then 2 years went by when I didnt play. 

    Now I have gone over by boat from Deli to Chaos, but I didnt get my old Chaos stuff back.


    Is it lost forever?