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Everything posted by cccdfern

  1. Sounds like something to have a go at, good luck with yours.
  2. Crude stuff

    Boat loading is brilliant! Finally no more dicking around for ages trying to load them \o/
  3. Are you fine to do xanadu starter towns? If so can sell you two at glasshollow. - toon silenttrader
  4. Xanadu Map

    R14 Pelagiad Mines is no longer there, and please add Fern Tree about here /
  5. Mailbox Requests.

    I would like to request a budget/very low cast Silentsmith R14 Pelagiad Mines
  6. 70ql trowel cod to Silentsmith, please
  7. Er, you have the Trebuchet inability to be moved as a bug, yet it was stated on its addition post it was a stationary structure?
  8. I don't pvp and probably never will, I agree with some posters view but that doesn't mean I agree with the map. I does not look exactly like one which promoted active pvp. Given how large the distances are, isn't this much the same as just having the home servers?
  9. So make it a pve only change.
  10. Xanadu Map

    Ah, didn't think to compare it to list of created ones. I can re-go through that list and edit where need be.
  11. Xanadu Map

    Just went through my even log, then compared results against the map, these deeds have disbanded. Safe Haven has just been disbanded by Explorerr. Iron-guard has just been disbanded by Dwalinnn. Randall Harbor has just been disbanded by Xandall. Diablos Island has just been disbanded by Diablos. Safe Haven has just been disbanded by Explorerr. Dogeport has just been disbanded by Velas. Benden Wrye has just been disbanded by Nukalot. Yomi-no-kuni has just been disbanded by Spyte. Vynora's Shrine has just been disbanded. Karthwasten Port has just been disbanded by Wreck. Nomad Inlet has just been disbanded. Monkey Landing has just been disbanded by Klevermonkey. Eversor has just been disbanded. Stoneberg has just been disbanded. Hot Springs has just been disbanded. Black Pudding Hill has just been disbanded. Dreadwood Landing has just been disbanded. Oracle Bay has just been disbanded by Drjackal. Sjamans Creek has just been disbanded by Eyegore. Bay Of Souls has just been disbanded. Mineville has just been disbanded by Wexor. Foreverland has just been disbanded. Green Meadows has just been disbanded by Leoturi. Radiant Garden has just been disbanded by Dannysgirl. Devil's Playground has just been disbanded. Boemelaars Baai has just been disbanded by Judy. Lepsza has just been disbanded by Ranka. Dobra has just been disbanded by Syirian. Meowschwitz Pawssage has just been disbanded. Last Hearth has just been disbanded by Gau. Hick's Homestead has just been disbanded. Milliways has just been disbanded by Cenotaph. The Blue has just been disbanded. Feles Covina has just been disbanded by Sulk Green Meadows has just been disbanded by Leoturi. Radiant Garden has just been disbanded by Dannysgirl.
  12. Played Runescape on and off for the past 8 years; But I would not recommend it, its been progressively dumbed down :/ Dabbled in WoW, that was alright. World of tanks: far to many hours spent in that ^^ & world of warships is in CBT and very nice. At some point in time I'd like to give the Final Fantasy mmo a go.
  13. The roof sounds dangerously weak and you must abandon this attempt. "Indicates the rock layer above is very close to to your mining of the ceiling, so there is no more room to mine further"
  14. This has not happened again since I posted, it was dug from a pit. Dropped some just now from bsb - normal, and dug some also normal.
  15. Uberknot, the extent of your's (and others) nitpickery and pedanticness is quite depressing to read through, we get it, 'we don't own perimeter'. But, if someone terraforms on the edge of a deed to such an extent so as to hinder that deeds travel then we do indeed have an issue, most of this thread is about perimeter ownership - not the issue as first stated, its that fact that a player has chosen there of all places to dig huge pits and cart away the dirt. And its the fact its bang on the doorstep of the deed itself. Given what the victims have posted, this is effectively their grievance. Of course they have the right to be pissed, I'd say more, but the horse has already been beaten enough - should not post at 3am
  16. This also happens with tar
  17. He does have a point in there though, and keeps referencing that same point: Everyone wants to have an iron vein at their door step, rather than travel a little while to get to it.