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Everything posted by M4elus

  1. Hello, The server are on? I cannot localize it https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxUbS-u_CKJgc1VRdklLQnNDWGc/view?usp=sharing I tray to talk with admins trough Steam and Mythmoor forum, but nothing answer for now.
  2. Hi all, I´m playing in Epic cluster, since two years ago approx. I have some doubts, about Epic cluster in general and Serenity in particular. 1- The last soundtrack was announced a month ago approx. I can hear it on spotify, but still I have not listened none song in game. Why? 2- The new boats model was announced at may 22 2014 . The last notice where you speak about it, (I think so) was in august: still you working in the collisions ? 3-The Epic server population, decreased considerably in last year. In consequence, the entertainment of the current players, has been decreased also. What do you think about this? have you thinking something to do, in order to increase population? Thanks
  3. Hello (I am Maelux) I have installed java 8 64 bits (just) This is map, with which I get the error : https://www.dropbox.com/s/zy8b8h3lstjt28x/Punto%20com%C3%BAn%20deed%201.3%20%28beta%29.MAP?dl=0 I dowload the last version of deedplanner, run it, and load this map...so far all goes well but, when I put 3d mode, I get the next error: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6jm5tsoiy80rknp/Captura.PNG?dl=0 ...and program crashes thanks
  4. Wurmonline.es

    Hola, el proyecto del web-site está en "standby" de momento. Tenemos un grupo de whatsapp donde nos reunimos algunos españoles en el cual posiblemente podrás resolver dudas en castellano y encontrarte con otros hispanohablantes. Si estás interesado mandame tu número de movil/celular por mp y te añadiremos . Un saludo
  5. Wurmonline.es

    Thanks everyone for your comments and suggestions. Maybe we will to update the spanish site evolution here. We think that hispanic people would be more interested on this game if there were some more accessible information translated to spanish. Again thanks everyone Gracias a todos por vuestros comentarios y sugerencias, quizás actualicemos la evolución del nuevo sitio en este hilo Creemos que más gente hispana conocería Wurm Online si tuvieran la oportunidad de encontrar información de forma accesible traducida al español. Gracias a todos denuevo¡
  6. Wurmonline.es

    Hello hispanic friends¡, I´d like to presenting a new site where the hispanic people may find all wurm news and updates translated to spanish. www.wurmonline.es When some official news or update is posted on wurmonline.com will translate to spanish and it will post on this site. Will posted as soon as possible (in next hours to the original posting probably) thanks Hola amigos Hispanos¡ Me gustaría presentaros un nuevo lugar donde encontraréis todas las nuevas noticias y actualizaciones de wurm traducidads al español www.wurmonline.es Gracias¡