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About Ursine

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  1. Bump, Good group of players and a generous with their experience.
  2. Ruiner, I tried to message both players. Neither is on. Ping Wulfen when you get on if you get a minute. Thanks
  3. Returning Player looking or a home. Looking for a village with actives or an alliance that might know of a spot for a small deed. Have discord and played a lot of wurm back in the day. More than I care to admit. I can fill any role but priest and I move dirt like nobodies business... Best of Luck Wurming. Ursine.
  4. Life is Feudal

    Are you talking about Wurm ot LiF?
  5. Arx Ferrum should be added at x46.5 y20 Paranor, Villa Dela Cruz and Marion are all disbanded. Soto.
  6. @ far No. Real life has prevented the grind from 70 to 80 mining... So I haven't ground up the smithing skills yet either. My wurm time has been slim as of late. Thanks all for the business and inquiries Soto
  7. less mobs?

    I have a ton of spiders around my place. No issues with hostile creature count here
  8. Kileran, I'm a card carrying Canadian. I'd be happy to exchange tails on the nobility of the beaver and the sweet essence of maple syrup. I also have a lot of experience in wurm if you want to experiment. I only have 2 rules. I hold all building controls writs in case you guys take off and have fun. We have a nice alliance and a good neighborhood. I prefer voice chat if your online as it helps in sharing information and working on projects. I'm currently dabbling with breeding Unicorns, but I will need to expand my deed to do so. Feel free to come on over and stay a while and learn the ropes in the shelter of a safe haven. Let me know. PM Sotogari on Release of message me on the forums.
  9. You'll make it only if mail dies. Otherwise the demand for he service is not enough to keep the lights on in the operation.
  10. Kunalt, Your forgetting the invisible hand. Markets set prices. Players do not. If the local resource is 50 ql then it would be expected the the local price would be x. Most likely very similar to any other 50 ql item unless there are no other items on the market, in which case the price would go up. If there was a surplus of 50 ql items elsewhere it would be most reasonable to assume the price would drop to Y in the locality with the surplus. Transporting items from local market Y to local market X should net you an uplift or margin increase but not to exceed what x was selling for. It there is profit between Y and X people will transport the goods and eek out some coin. The price of local goods at x will suddenly equilibrate to y as the increase in sales in y pushes up price and the increase volume of product pushes down product in X. Parity is achieved until some other force arises. This goes double for mining resources. Having a geographic base for mineral wealth also creates a market and a profit for transporters. I'm not saying that 90 ql won't always have a premium. They should. What I'm saying is people that can't make the items in question will need to buy them if they want to do that trade or have that benefit. Prices will be lower on items of 50-70 ql but be affected by local market forces but will be expensive for 90 ql. As ql of items trends upwards on items the cost will drift down. But if release is any indicator prices can stay stable for some time and would be much better if mail didn't exist. There would be many more weapon crafters. Further the local repair market will blossom as it is no longer practical to mail an item back for imp, it will either have to stay lower ql (further increasing local demand for goods) or have a skilled local repair man able to fix it. Either way the invisible hand will fill either niche comfortably. I hope that helps explain why I feel it will help. Its not an arbitrary decision but one well founded in market experience. Eve does this very well, Wurm has a great opportunity to do so as well. I'm also against traders artificially pumping money into the economy as well. It screws with the "invisible hand". Its a deflationary force that is not needed and has a negative impact that cost Rolf more than it makes. Remember convenience and luxury are worth coin. It is worth it in my opinion to create those niches for the players to fulfill or exploit. Soto If anyone is wondering what the invisible hand is I included a reference from my good friend Adam Smith: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invisible_hand
  11. Frankly if you keep the mailing system as is you might as well have an Auction house ala WoW. Global, instant and completely immersion breaking in Wurm. Don't get me wrong the convenience is nice, but the down side is it torpedo's any market or localized skill set. Now with the mail system the servers never need more than a half dozen of any trade and anything that isn't 20QL less than server max is garbage and can't be sold. With no mail system a server needs a specialty crafter every 30 minutes of travel time in all directions. This forces people to get to know each other and may enable goods to have values based on demand that include real transport costs. We get more crafters, farmers and ranchers if the change is made and I think it would be a step in the right direction. When was wurm about anything other than the sense of pride you have when you make something just the way you want it. It was harder than it is now, I'd love for people to have the sense that a ql 50 item always has worth and 70 in the local market is the guy you need to trade with. Further people could play as importers and ship goods around. Imping/repairing would become a valued profession now. The idea that localized markets aren't a good thing is ludicrous. It would recreate the need to have a market deed and make them viable. With mail there's no need to go to the local market to see what's there and to see what need is unmet that you could fulfill if you had the inclination.