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Everything posted by JBlak

  1. Travelling to friend's deed on Desertion. Nek minnit, JK raiders came and killed me just outside Glittershore.
  2. Hey Gillett, I'm Blakd, remember me? I'll probably be back from my break from Wurm in a month. I'll contact you in due time. Don't build so many tall walls this time, ok?
  3. Life in Teletubbieland.
  4. To be honest, my advice is to play on an Epic home server, preferably Desertion. Since it's a home server, it's pretty safe and you have a low chance of getting raided. It's got a lot of untouched land. If you are premium, you also follow the Epic curve, which raises your skill's effectiveness.
  5. Not digging the winter textures, personally. I want the lushness and colour back.
  6. Got to take into account for existing mines though.
  7. You can mine the ceiling to make it higher, but I'm not sure about entrances though.
  8. +1, there needs to be more of a decorative aspect to the game. I'm sure most people who play this game are mature enough not to do obscene images.
  9. Yes, it's a good idea to explore on a hitched large cart. Even if you run out of stamina, you still travel at the same speed, and if you encounter any dangerous monsters, you could just run for it.
  10. People from an Australian timezone, contact me. My ingame name is Blakd. We have three guard towers on our deed, so we are safe from looters. Everyone gets their own bed.
  12. Yes, my friend had the exact same problem as you. Reinstall java web start, which should be the program you open the .jnlp file with.
  13. Hey man, I'm a Deliverance player who's premium. I just got premium and would like to try the Epic servers. I'm interested in this village.
  14. This is a serious topic man. Excrement could add so many uses, including easy pig food.
  15. Since this game is so wonderfully realistic, why not add more realism? You would have an excrement meter. You would need to go to a toilet periodically to empty it. Also, there should be a new decoration item called a toilet bowl. It can be made from clay, rock shards, or wood. If no material for a toilet is available, you can dig a cesspit in the ground. Toilets can be opened and you would get lumps of excrement. The excrement can be used to fertilise farmland. The QL of the excrement depends on the QL of the food you ate beforehand. If it's an emergency, and there are no toilets nearby, you can just "do your business" right here, right now, in the wilderness. Deed owners can permit whether or not excreting outside of a toilet is allowed.
  16. Can me and my friend join as well? We're a week into this game and loving it. We're capable of traveling to the town ourselves. Our in game names are Blakd and Bandersnatch.
  17. I've just started the game and I am very excited. I suspect I'll be addicted... Anyway, my in game name is Blakd, so can I join?