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Everything posted by Stanlee

  1. Duplicate issue to spyglass model issue. Also posted on wrong place.
  2. It was very exciting this time around; we got routed hard. The need to be inside the rift zone for participation will be a difficult challenge. I got a skull shoulder and a soul stealer necklace (wassat? just says "skill efficiency bonus") but was sad to see people with more contribution than me not get anything other than the lump.
  3. The new renderer runs like a dream on my machine, better than the old one (especially as far as shadows are concerned) and is real eye candy. Given how many people I've known to play Wurm with toaster and other household objects, however, there seems to be a need for people to be able to run in minimum settings and I dread to think what a unique fight will be like in this renderer. Oh, and obviously the whole "it crashes a lot" and "some people I know can't even run the new unstable client for immediate crashes" That and some of my dyed stuff changed shade (127-127-127 is no longer neutral - it's dark, which is a strange thing to dye around) But I do look forward to the update, even if it means it being out of the 6th of next month.
  4. Do the pauldrons stack with themselves? Seems to make native sense that they would, and it'd vastly increase the effect, else mismatching pauldrons would be overly powerful.
  5. Release: We got a few hearts in, but it closed. Was busy burning another heart, were 2 mobs left when I looked away. Likely they were both killed. Very disappointing, lots of people missed it for the random opening, even more missed it because it was over so fast, without a single ogre.
  6. Well, ours closed after just one wave. Is that usual? Are there pills for that?
  7. This may be a purely visual bug, hard to tell with the way the effects work now. In any case, latest stable client: How to replicate: Wear multiple types of armors. Relogging clears them (and, as ever, doesn't create an icon for the armor you logged in with)
  8. Simple enough question: When the Rifts release, will there be a forced spawn of them on each server?
  9. It looks like - almost without fail - like their attachment points are wrong. Those lucky few that have the point almost right seem to have their rotation wrong
  10. Lovely information, very informative and well-constructed. I sure hope you're right and these are frequent enough that I never see you at one - in the best possible way (unless requested for the assist)
  11. Mend only works on items that can also be enchanted, with the exception of food (which it won't cast on). So, no. I can see it now; all crafters replaced with Nahjo priests. Neat simple idea OP. Not sure it'd see much use, and Chaos people seem to have a problem with it, but elegant.
  12. Conclusions drawn from WU code, usual disclaimers apply* learnMod += item.getSpellSkillBonus() / 100.0F; This calls spelleffect 13 and 47 (circle of cunning and BotD) learnMod applies as a direct multiplier to skillgain, multiplicative to other bonuses such as PoK, Vyn bonus, which aren't necessarily multiplicative to each other - fun. At no point in the "when you get skill" code (as opposed to "how much skill you get") are those enchantments called. Thus, CoC should never change how often you get ticks (other than how they're displayed, as per thresholds) Making everything Hailene said entirely correct. *WU code may not apply to WO code; though, as ever, it's worth asking "who actually took the time to change this between WO and WU? Why?". Grind with moderation; use a comfortable seating position and be aware of issues such as RSI.
  13. It's the mind in the eyes test. It's a classic, if rudimentary, test for autism; which I imagine is being used to exclude the potential for participants with abnormally low Emotional Intelligence scores for reasons unrelated to the survey's intention. Hard to imagine other uses for it. As long as you got, like, 33% right you'll be fine
  14. You might like this, OP; it's a rather dated but large scale version of this, with far more exploratory research. Obviously there's whole new topics like "how gender debate has shaped (everything to do with this)" and "how Wurm differs" but it's definitely gonna be a good background to further work.
  15. Sounds good, I'll try to be along.
  16. I was reflecting on this study when I realized a major flaw: you've offered a reward, but you've not used attentiveness measures (i.e. questions that state "please tick Somewhat disagree for this question" or questions that can't possibly be true "do you play videogames more than 180 hours a week?"). This would create a real risk of respondents hitting random responses; something that happens an annoying amount normally and moreso when a reward is offered.
  17. I haven't known Mind in the Eyes to run on that long before. I'm very interested in seeing how you differentiate this study from Parker et al. (2008)., since that'll really be the crux of such a dissertation. Parker, J. D. A., Taylor, R. N., Eastabrook, J. M., Schell, S. L., & Wood, L. M. (2008). Problem gambling in adolescence: Relationships with internet misuse, gaming abuse and emotional intelligence. Personality and Individual differences, 45(2), 174-180. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2008.03.018
  18. Lot of people here suggesting things with one major issue. You're still playing the game, so anything you suggest comes with an automatic "not having this isn't enough to have made me leave" footnote. I've gone and done the sensible thing of asking people who quit (who I'm still in contact with) why they did so. In lieu of their names, I'll be putting in their highest skill. But first, an interesting other observation: Losing players isn't the only way that graph's been going down. People have been consolidating priests into one - Nahjo. Thus, this graph may be more dramatic than first seems. Shipbuilder: "Real life came up" (nothing really can be done there I think) Weaponsmith: "No real reason to continue. I get another 5 weaponsmithing levels and, what, I can make weapons higher quality? If 70 weaponsmithing let me make some new weapon types, I'd have a reason to do it" "What, like being able to use different weapon materials, give steel a proper benefit?" "Or better axes." I implore people to really start digging into "why people left" rather than "what I want". What you want is still, no doubt, important - but Wurm will need to bail water before you can get a hammock.
  19. I'll find someone who can test it without losing .1 faith. Will edit this post with results. [00:53:01] You cannot improve that item.
  20. An open-faced round-top helm. You can barely make out the signature of its maker, '.nk.'. 80QL, looks though it can be improved with steel. Start price - 100s Min increment - 10s Reserve - None Sniper Protection - 2 hours
  21. That this is one of the actions that doesn't care about object QL and WoA on the activated item doesn't help. Tested with QL80 70woa bucket and QL7 bucket, QL100 water and QL4 water. Always 9.5s timer at full stamina, 51 gardening. [17:48:16] You start to cast 'Wind of ages' on a yellow flowerpot. Oh the lengths I go. Great, the now 70-WoA flower pot takes 8.5s to water. And a higher QL flower pot takes less time. Once again, they've taken the stats of the item it's being used on to determine time.
  22. Maybe a more balanced approach is best. Congrats on the ascendancy. I hope your success doesn't throw yet another wrench into the pile of wrenches that is the current state of priests.
  23. Heyoooo Vyn main. No "handyman" alt; I've gotten all I need from villagers, alliance and - if worst comes to worst - trading. I remember once having to trade for healing covers because I didn't yet have LT and Vyn priests can't make healing covers.