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About Lucias

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  1. Wow, never thought eye dominance would come up, islixana is correct (on all three points) as far as I have been taught and experienced. Strangely enough I am legally blind in one eye (20/300 vision eccectric fixation) but I was told it allowed me to see both the target and the arrow head simultainously allowing for some interesting shots. For some educational entertainment look up Howard Hill (he drops a charging lion at close range) Jhon Shultz and sons (one of them can make change for a dollar by shooting coins out of the air and then aspirin....!) and another guy who shoots in High Steppe style so rapidly it is astounding while he is flipping upside down on a trampoline!
  2. Just to be clear I was not suggesting nerfing anything, it is merely a suggestion too add depth and realism, did not want to start a war! LOL
  3. Hello, I just wanted give my two cents concerning bow making and archery. I have been shooting a Long bow pretty much all my life and my Father made Long bows profesionally for over twenty years (see Timberline Longbow). To say that Willow is an ideal material for Bow making is highly inacurate at best, sure it may be good for a childs bow but not for hunting or warfare.The reason being that Willow has little memory, meaning it will lose elasticity and power rapidly after it is dry and will not return to it it's intended shape after prolonged use. Historicly Alder, Oak, Osage, Fir, and Yew (the best in my experience, also see The War at Agincourt) are excellent materials for bow construction combined with sinew and horn for longer life. Doug Fir and Cedar are commonly used for arrows due to the straight grain and density versus weight. Just thought I would weigh in on the subject because I really love the game concept and am just a stickler for realism. Thank you, Lucias