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Everything posted by Wort

  1. This is not a bad idea. It keeps wood quality as the quality cap on the ash. None of this getting 90ql ash from fueling your smelter with wood scraps. I'm ambivalent toward adding specialized equipment for producing ash and charcoal. It wouldn't be too much of a burden, but really, how many different heat sources do we need?
  2. I like this. I think the current player god system is ridiculously imbalanced. I don't see any kind of change coming anytime soon, though, as any Nahjo priest (and there are a lot of them) will raise hell if you make them do anything else.
  3. From Valrei International .033 - 8/25/2017: Feedback on your feedback Throughout the past week we've been helping with highway questions, and taking your feedback on board. From this we'll be making three changes in the coming updates ... 3) Blessed lamps on highway tiles will not take decay.
  4. As a Seamster and Master Tanner, I always welcome more uses for these skills
  5. I wan't to +1 this so bad, but I know I'll never get around to doing it, so I'll +1 it anyway. My laziness should not prevent anyone from enjoying a ceiling over their heads
  6. Peas

    +1, I think a pile of anything should be fairly easy to locate on the ground. A single pea pod, or carrot, or whatever, can be more difficult to find, but i think if there were 100 peas in a pile in my back yard, I would notice.
  7. I'm liking where this thread is going.
  8. Perhaps, if the quantity you enter in the field at the top is greater than the max you can carry, it just automatically starts a continuous transfer. I think that would satisfy both Darmalus' desire to enter a max transfer without having to add any more clutter to the window or extra clicks.
  9. I see what you're wanting. You want to be able to set a max amount on the transfer. Personally, I think that would be redundant, as you can just hit <esc> to stop it at the correct point. Fewer menu clicks is better in my opinion.
  10. I don't see how Zigozag's suggestion is any less flexible. the 1, 5, and 10 options are the single transfer options, with continuous transfer being what Pandalet added in the initial suggestion. It is really pretty intuitive.
  11. The new clothes finish at a quality that is far out of range of what is to be expected in this game. Of the 20 or so pieces that I have made, I haven't had anything come out below 55ql. Now, I do have 92CT, but most of the mast I use are of really low ql. My squares are normally about 72ql. My copper lumps are 25ql, my iron lumps are 34ql. Cochineals are 30ish, acorns 23, woad 18. Green Cloth Pants seem to be the worst. Of the 3 pairs I've made, I have one at 85ql, one at 86ql and one at 89ql. It seems nice, you know, easy 90ql stuff, but nothing else in Wurm works this way. Mallets and carving knives are capped by mallet head and carving knife blade ql, respectively. Fine Carpentry items seems to top out about half of my current skill, even using the best mats available.
  12. Just a bump to remind you all that I'm a 90+skill cloth tailor in advance of the update this week!
  13. How many rock shards can possibly fit in saddle bags?