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Everything posted by loenabelle

  1. noooooooooooo XD, however i liked nachtmar's idea. Maybe ability to add torches to them and light them. However you could also just plant lamps around it. I would actually like hidden guard towers XD.
  2. true, i do fpses etc too but i still like this game more. But it can never beat valves games O - O even though they are not mmo's.
  3. I saw a butterfly XD. Seriously, wurm needs more teenagers .
  4. how to make floating chambers? I always have to finish the entire planned building before I can continue. Or did you make one big solid tower and let thewalls you did not want rot away?
  5. They are big advantages but only for the neighbours of ppl who have huge amounts of animals. It will probably cost a good amount of resources to create and i think most people will not think about building it than. You need some advantages like: -Animals live longer -Animals get bonuses or have better breeding chances Does it look like an instant building on a tile or is it something like a tent that can be moved or picked up?
  6. http://forum.wurmonline.com/index.php?/topic/101495-books-and-letters/ I was looking at a huge part of the suggestions section and it is mentioned a lot . I also made a thread about it. Btw on the list of things that are requested a lot and have a high chance of implemention (in the wiki) this one is also included. I'm not sure if or when it will be added but the reaction is positive :3.
  7. Sooo uuhm how much times can you post?
  8. Holy 65 pages of last persons . I has my boat so meh...
  9. XD Wurm proves it kids veggies are bad for you!
  10. I think the food system is actually nice as it is now. A rewrite would take a lot of time and you would need to change many codes of food and stats. I would love to see starvation added though XD (with actual dead) but I know no one would like that so meh.
  11. I once thought a MR guard was JK so I hugged it XD. Meh just kidding, would be cool +1.
  12. It is a pretty good idea but you did not mention one good reason for the ppl with large amounts of animals to build such thing. It needs to have some advantages except for decreased lag and animals around deed to make them build it. But + 1 As long as you are not forced to put your animals in one of those.
  13. I'm ok with this all. I know it's Chaos and i'm still living there now. My only point is that escape should be possible and that there are indeed insta raids in some places. We did not build anywhere or picked anything up though . Just find a different solution. I agree that it is stupid that some people escape. Make an option to chase them for a while or whatever but keeping them from crossing borders is a bit too much. Travel between servers should be possible. New idea btw. You could also make it so that when in pvp and someone almost crosses a border the boat will drastically slow down the closer you get to the border (will return to normal when passed). This way the one at the front is always slower and has the biggest disadvantage (others can get closer to them) Will be harder to escape and might force to continue the fight. That's it. Might be waaaaaaaaaaaaay more solutions. I am not in chaos to waste time and resources btw i am a permanent inhabitant and got my own house and such. Sorry took that like a bit of an insult. Some people just don't want to get forced into pvp yet. We are not ready and have a lack of skill. So we retreat and level. There's also a lack of resources that we can fill up by trading with freedom. K, no pvp in no - pvp areas but just think of a reasonable solution. If players can kill eachother for zero reason I think coming here to raid from the freedom cluster and then run for it is also reasonable .
  14. Uuuhhhm couldn't we just make a timer for killing a person? Like when someone crosses a border from chaos to freedom (you too) you still have the ability to kill him for about 2 minutes. Thereafter they are out of your reach and you can't attack new players as you are in freedom now. I am a chaos player and I also would not like to be killed and not able to cross the border. My first days in wurm consisted of being hunted down by MR at the beach and borderlines. A nice person who wanted to help me out by taking me with a boat to freedom got raided as soon as he got over the border. I then decided to stay in Chaos. We also get attacked very often so there is enough pvp here don't need to worry about that. I saw many people getting raided for no reason so fine if you want your penalty etc. Just keep it low and set a killtimer or something. Escape should be possible. Maybe the longer the fight the longer the timer.
  15. Might be used instead of climbing. Will take less stamina and regains stamina when you stop climbing (still hanging there). But it could be very hard to implement. Would need proper use of collision.
  16. +1 Although i think 20 logs is way too much. Maybe 5 logs per wall (you could make a LOT of planks out of those). Otherwise all trees in the area will be gone in no time.
  17. Nice idea, but no lock can be attached (attached locks will breack) and if someone else digs it up (dig up option would appear for anyone using shovel on the tile it's buried in) they get the chest. It just needed a few disadvantages . No map so people won't know where to find it, they might just find it by luck. So chests will be pretty safe still.
  18. Weapon XD: What if you just use it like a normal weapon it just decays way faster. Also you can use it at any range from the target player. In the fighting window you can choose on what body part you would like to focus (this will be used on the doll). Also agressive, normal, ranged and defensive perform other actions. Agressive: "You focus on (...)'s upper body.", "You pierce (...)'s upper body with a needle. Auch that hurts!" Normal: "You rip (...)'s voodoodoll's arm off. Feels like you lost something (...)?" Defensive: "(...) slashes himself." Advantages: - No limit range - If someone hits you they get a bit of the damage (defensive) - Good chance to stun or slow down the player (rip legs and paralyze by pain) - A good amount of damage Disadvantages: - Just one doll allowed per player at once - Huge decay - Can only attack players if you have a voodoo doll of them - Consumes lots of stamina and hard to make also needs a long cooldown (20 seconds at least?) Maybe this would make it rather fair and a craftable item to destroy all voodoo dolls made of you to help players who get attacked out of nowhere. A voodoo doll can only be used once per 15 minutes if players are further away than 30 tiles of you.