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Posts posted by NeeNee

  1. I would like Wurm to stay vaguely medieval-ish, but new arch stuff would be pretty fantastic. Maybe we could find and put together a new kind of ragged looking tent or some furniture. And give us new (ancient) pottery! We have artefacts from medieval Europe (and earlier) to base new designs on, plus we could find artefacts traded from other lands? 






  2. I'm not a fan of adding any kind of NPC system like this (in Wurm). Or of marriage benefits of this sort. However, weddings with new outfits, something for priests to do,  let us make a julbord kind of thing for parties, sure. Some kind of system where married folks can be co-mayors or have co-permissions would probably be useful to a lot of people as well. 

  3. There's a one tile tunnel from just south of my deed (O14) all the way through to about R14. It now has an unlocked decaying shack in front of my side of the tunnel. The problem, though, is that the other side has a locked stone door, that's not on a deed or anything. Release being the land of niceness as it is, if you are the owner of that locked door or any other locked exits of this tunnel (there seem to be a few) could you please unlock them and we can put up signs and connect roads and whatnot? Thanks!