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About Farkas

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  1. It looks like they should be jumping out of the wall, but they are cartoonishly flat. Maybe if they could bump out of the wall it would look great.
  2. New tactic: run into battle with no weapons equiped, so everyone thinks you have the scepter.
  3. +1 Add alchemy potions to get cures for the diseases. Would add an interesting dynamic to the game. If you could easily cure them with a special potion, it wouldn't be too annoying and it would give alchemy another use, which I think is needed. Plague sounds a bit too annoying though. Maybe it could occasionally on epic or something. Would be interesting to see how people quarantine their towns and lock out all visitors while a disease is in effect. It should not happen too often, because I bet that a plague would limit PvP, which no one likes. Maybe there could be a potion to cure it, but its super hard to produce because of rare ingredients. Maybe the ingredients could be in the middle of nowhere on elevation, so the factions have to fight to obtain them.
  4. Looks nice. The red color would probably hide the color of the blood from the people you kill while wearing it. Too bad this metal is so rare that no one will ever wear it, especially since you can't imp it. Seems kindof pointless to me, the way its implemented. Maybe you should be able to imp seryll gear with steel lumps, or something like that.
  5. Yeah that's what I was afraid of: People reading this post, and not understanding it correctly, then thinking its a bad idea because they have it all wrong. What I'm saying is this: Instead of automated combat, you would have to click on buttons to select what move you want to use. Moves should have cool downs, so you can't use one twice in a row. There is also a swing timer, so the larger the weapon, the more time between each move. Every time you use a "basic move" (the white ones) you gain a bit of adrenaline. If you build up your adrenaline to 50%, then you can use one of the "threshold moves" (the blue ones), but 50% adrenaline is used up. Threshold moves have varying effects that are more powerful than the basic moves, and you could select the one that would be most suitable, depending on the situation in the fight. If one doesn't use up their adrenaline on a threshold move, and saves it until they get a full bar (100%), they can use the "finishing move", which does a ton of extra damage, but sets the adrenaline back to 0%, so the person has to start gaining it all over again. To make things more complicated, some moves could give a temporary buff, a temporary nerf on your enemy's CR, break out of stuns, make yourself immune to stuns for x amount of seconds, stun your enemy, lower your enemy's focus level, raise your own focus level, etc etc. Maybe some threshold and finishing moves could be unlocked from meditation paths
  6. I'd like to hear a PvPer's opinion on this. Do you think it would be more fun? Would you rather something different? Explain!
  7. A macro system would mean that most people would play afk. It would also make it too easy to spam alt accounts, causing people to make armies of them to craft things, bringing down the prices of goods tremendously. -1
  8. What about adding pewter, which could me used to make jugs and bowls as an alternative to clay. (Pewter = tin)
  9. Maybe just a nest box, like dwarf fortress. +1 for chicksplosions
  10. Maybe gold could be changed so that it's super rare, and bronze and brass could be more reliable metals for altars and such.
  11. Remove the new trees from foraging. I'm tired of getting sprouts when I'd rather be getting something I actually want. If I want sprouts, I can use my sickle for them tyvm. Also, its way too easy to get sprouts from foraging, so the new trees are actually overpopulating the old ones now...
  12. Eh, I don't like that idea. You want to bury something, you have to dismount. If you want to pick for sprouts, dismount. I think horses should have their weaknesses. If anything, you should be able to do less while on horse back, not more.
  13. Ah, so the issues is title bonuses. Seriously? That is the only thing preventing actual politics, like kingdoms allying or kingdoms forming at will? Can't you see how interesting the game would be if stuff like that was allowed? How about this: Change it so that each kingdom gets X amount of title bonuses, and X directly correlates to the amount of land the kingdom owns. So hypothetically, if a kingdom could get infinite title bonuses if it gains an infinite amount of land. Each title bonus gives the same CR bonus. 1 person needed to start a PMK Problem solved. If the game was like this, and lets say JK made an allied PMK to get an extra king, the PMK would end up gobbling up some of the land that JK could have taken, so they end up having the same amount of people with titles in the end. (They might even be one bonus smaller because the split remainder of land left over from distributing bonuses might be enough to add another title bonus.) TL;DR Population isn't the issue, its how title bonuses are distributed. It doesn't matter what number of players is required to form a PMK, it still has a chance of being abused.