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Everything posted by Allurapre

  1. Oh you mean like JKH becoming raidable, not talking about the suggestions of it. The actual occurrence, I must have missed that one before they did it.
  2. Shop server is down also, so even if you are online you can't access your bank.
  3. So here I was sailing for 6 hours looking for merchants along the coast of freedom. I can't believe the crud some people try to sell on their merchants. Was on my way home, passing Samling and decided to do a check of the merchants in that area. Not so bad, still not great. What can I say I'm a penny pincher. So was just about to turn around when a bunch of names popped into my local, and they actually answered my greeting. Asked about merchants and they said they had a few. Only reason I'm sharing this is because I know how frustrating it is looking for stuff and finding crud out there. The name of the place is Bay View. Find it if you don't know where it is. I actually had to use there token to get more money out. This place has merchants that contain quality items at very reasonable prices. If anyone else knows of a place that has good merchants, might be nice to list them here.
  4. I have said this before to fellow villagers. The pattern on the cave wall is the same as the one on a butchered animal and the edge of a short stone wall. Look closely.
  5. If I understand you correctly, you want to live near a village but not be part of a village? I'm not sure if that would be possible at this time because of the way the deed system works. You can not individually grant permissions to players to work within your deed area of control. You would need to either be a villager or have your own deed in which case the deed holder would form an alliance with you and grant you permission to do wurmian activities in there aoc. If you did find someone willing to let you in there village but still remain autonomous, said deed holder would probably demand that you hand over an writs to any structure you construct. Nothing is more annoying to a deed holder than having abandoned buildings in there aoc that they can not destroy or control. Is Chrisp your in game name? I'm not sure what gmt time is, I never can get those zones straight, would you mind telling me what country you are in? I am est and I would like to speak to you in game if possible.
  6. Personally having played wurm for a bit, I thought this was one of the best pranks that Rolf ever came up with. I laughed all day long while I played. It's an April Fool's day prank, how many of you get pranked in rl and enjoy it, just wondering?
  7. Here are the error reports: First tab: CouldNotLoadArgumentException[ Could not load file/URL specified: C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\6.0\41\5fef8269-6d0e0dd7] at com.sun.javaws.Main.launchApp(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Main.continueInSecureThread(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Main$ Source) at Source) 2nd Tab: C:\Users\Hannah\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\6.0\41\5fef8269-6d0e0dd7 (The system cannot find the file specified) at Method) at<init>(Unknown Source) at<init>(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.jnl.LaunchDescFactory.buildDescriptor(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Main.launchApp(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Main.continueInSecureThread(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Main$ Source) at Source) Updated to the latest version of Java, have a nvidia video card.
  8. Let me add my 2 cents about Solace. I was a member of the village for about a year and left about a month ago. The village is an awesome place to be and has gotten quite busy as of late which is why I left. I'm sorry but I hate being around to many people in game. I went and started my own place which is about 15 minutes travel time away from Solace. Anyways my 2 cents is this: even though I left the village I know that I can call on anyone of its members if I need help and they will be there. I know this because I've done it a few times already. I've also had Solace villagers just drop by to see how I was doing and then staying and helping me finish some projects. Solace is the only place to be on Freedom, the greatest bunch of people you would ever want to share space with. Join now.
  9. I know that roqdside has had a change of leadership recently and Im wondering the status of the road?
  10. My first time ever doing something like this, so be nice ;D. The heat from the forge told Lochi that the metal was ready to yield to her skill. Still Lochi could not bring herself to rise from the cot. Her mind a turmoil of images that continually plunged her into the depths of crippling guilt. "How can this be, how could this happen? I should have known. I should have seen it coming! It's my fault, my fault, what a fool I am to not have seen it. I can not continue, I must not.........", on and on this mantra played through Lochi's mind. Outside the door her 4 closest friends had again gathered. Kyellan said "What are we to do, this can not continue, we must do something ." "She is barely alive, she eats just enough to stay alive and feed her guilt." Millird responded. Her friends were at a loss as to how to help her. It had been weeks since Lochi had taken to the cot. Her many friends took turns attending to her needs, but they all knew that if something didn't change soon, Lochi would be lost to them forever. Angur stood aside from the group lost in the memories of what Lochi had been, and how this had all come to be. The name Lochi was always mentioned fondly whenever an item of metal needed to be crafted. She was a smith who's love of the craft was matched only by her skill of it. It was as if Lochi had been born with a smith's hammer in her hand. However Lochi was unlike other master craftsmen who charged excessive amounts of silver for their products. She was just as happy to receive a new pair of shoes in exchange for making or repairing a leather working tool, as she was to receive a copper for it. Lochi understood that it was hard for some people to have money that often all their money was needed to pay for their homes. Their trade skill was all that they had, all that they could count on. When Lochi heard of someone who's tool had broken and they didn't have the means to pay for another, a new one would appear in it's place. She loved her craft and nothing made her happier than seeing something she had crafted put to use. So naturally when it happened Lochi was the person they had all come to on that day. It was a day that started like any other and they had all gone to take care of personal business while they waited for the Kingdom gates to re-open. They eagerly awaited to re-enter the Kingdom and when the gates finally opened, stepping through they realized their lives were changed forever. The peaceful Kingdom they had grown up in was forever gone. Laid waste by the gold mongering King who had made a pact which would earn him much fortune and cost his people everything. The King had made the decision to remove his protection from the people's beloved kingdom. This decision appeared to have been made by the King and the King alone for when the gates where opened the King was nowhere to be found and his most trusted advisers were as stunned my this turn of events as the people were. The people of the Kingdom had spent all their days in peace, they hadn't experienced the threat of a sword. They had been promised all their lives that such a threat would never be allowed. So they enjoyed spending their evenings looking out the windows at their wide open fields. After all walls were for keeping farm animals penned, not keeping people out. Their days were spent tending the fields and developing their trade skills. Trade tools are what felt comfortable in their hands, and some of the people had never even picked up a sword. Yes there were times when a sword was needed to dispatch a dangerous animal, but the sword was dropped as soon as the animal lay dead. If only they had been warned, had time to prepare. The advisers, as unprepared for this turn of events as everyone else, tried to calm the people down. "It's not so bad, it means we can establish a trade route with the Wild Kingdom across the water" one of the said. Another replied "Yes the borders are open but it will cost the Wild Kingdom to come across, surely they will think before they make such a move." The people raged at the advisers, calling them fools and demanding that the protection be returned. The advisers were forced to flee to the safety of the Castle until the King returned. Even the advisers believed that things would return to normal once the King came back and explained. Surely it was some kind of misunderstanding. When the King did return, after a few days, he made himself quite clear to the Kingdom. He explained that he was king and that was that, there would be no discussion about his decision. If his people didn't like it they could leave his Kingdom and good riddance, and leave they did. In the first few days, many areas that had been thriving communities, became ghost towns over night as the people fled. Those who stayed tried to understand what would be needed for them to survive. So they started making plans to protect themselves in case the Wild Kingdom did come. There had been those who had visited the Wild Kingdom, in hopes of obtaining some of their valuable ore. They told tales of great walled cities and of being hunted for the sake of the hunt and how some who went there simply vanished, never to return. The Wild Kingdom is a land who's people use the sword as their way to fortune. It was thought that if asked the difference between a sickle and a scythe, none of them would know. However ask them the difference between a long sword and a 2H sword and they would spend hours explaining the pros and cons of each when killing someone. They were people who live and die by the sword, people of war. A kingdom at war with itself. Perhaps the Wild Kingdom would never come and even if they did, surely there would be enough time to get prepared before that happened. The Kingdom started to carry out some of it's plans. They decided that the first thing they would need done is to arm themselves. So they came to Lochi and asked for weapons and armor in which to protect themselves. It was not often that Lochi was asked to craft weapons and armor and it was something that she didn't like to do. Lochi felt that with time she could arm the people as they needed but it would take time to make weapons that matched the quality of her tools. She would need to practice a bit first she told the gathered crowd. Suddenly a cry was heard from the edge of the crowd, and as the crowd parted a young man appeared and collapsed in the middle of them. The crowd gasped at the sight of the beaten, and dying young man but silenced themselves as he struggled to speak. "They are here he said, they landed near my village 3 days east of here. They killed everyone, they killed everything, nothing was left alive. When they were done they used catapults and fire to destroy everything that was left" he gasped! "How did you survive" one of the villagers asked? The young man's replied filled them with horror. "I wouldn't have survived. They would have killed me but their leader said he had a better plan." He started laughing and he told me to run, to run because my life depended on it. He said to tell everyone that they are coming, and to tell everyone who thought this was all a game, that it's game over fools!" As the young man was carried away to die in peace, the crowd closed in around the Smithy. "They are 3 days from here!" "You must hurry, you must help us!" they shouted. Lochi pleaded with them "I think we should leave! We should flee before they arrive!" The crowd screamed at her "We will never leave, you must understand this is our home. Where would we go that they wouldn't find us. You must help us! Give us a chance to stand and fight, make our weapons!" Lochi slowly nodded her head and quietly responded "I will do the best that I can so that we will be prepared", then turned to the great task that had been set unwanted at her feet. Fervently Lochi worked to prepare her village for the oncoming attack. The only time she left her forge was to travel to the mine, some distance away, to replenish her supply of ore. She hoped they would be ready. She hoped it would be enough. She hoped. When the Wild Kingdom arrived at the village, Lochi was on one of her trips to replenish the ore. Inside the mine the only sound she heard was the constant clank as the pick axe moved. When she emerged from the mine, to her horror she saw smoke rising from where the village was. She could her the screams of terror in the distance., the sounds of war. Lochi dropped the ore and ran towards the village. It seemed that Lochi had been running for days and the closer she came to the village, the fewer the cries she heard. Upon arriving at the village, Lochi realized it was to late. The battle was over and the attackers gone, moving on to their next conquest. Lochi walked in a daze through her village, taking in the horror of what had been done. She saw many people she had known and loved, dead or dying in the streets of her beloved village. As she continued to walk, Lochi started to notice something. The weapons and armor that she had made, were strewn broken, bent, unusable all along the streets. The attackers had left everything she had made, it was all worthless. That was when the guilt came. Lochi had known that she was a masterful smith. Gifted in the art of tool making. However deep inside she had known that she was not a crafter of weapons and armor. Now she saw the evidence laid out in the streets before her. "If only I had refused to make the weapons." "If only I had told them I wasn't skilled in that way." "If only I had known this would happen!" "If only!" "If only!" On and on Lochi walked through the village, letting her guilt beat her down, until finally she came to her forge and the cot that she used when she had much to do and little time to do it. She lay on the cot and that is where her friend's found her. When they first found Lochi the only thing she said in response to their questions was "This is wrong. It must be set right! Something must be done!" Then she had refused to respond to them. They had lit the forge in the hopes that it would compel her to craft, but it had not. Angur was shaken from her memories by the sound of footsteps on the path. As she watch Grinder appeared. He was dressed in scale armor and carried a mighty sword, tarnished with blood. "I've come to help the smith" he said. "Lochi knows me from another time, another place, I believe I can help her." Angur stepped to the door and opened it for Grinder to enter. As he did, she said "I hope that you can help because if you can't she is lost to us." Grinder replied "Hope is what I bring" and closed the door. The friend's stayed outside the door for hours, the only break that had come had been when Grinder had opened the door and asked for food for Lochi. They had tried to catch bits and pieces of the conversation but were unable to. The only thing they were certain of was that Lochi was talking and eating! Suddenly the friends looked at each other in amazement. Were they really hearing it? Could it be true? YES! It was true, they could hear the sound of the Lochi's hammer on the metal. As Grinder stepped out of the door the friends rushed in. All of them but Angur. As Grinder walked past her she grabbed a hold of his arm. "What did you say? What did you tell her? Do not tell me you told her lies!" Grinder tilted his head to one side and smile. "I told her that I had come from another Kingdom, a newly discovered Kingdom where peace reigns. I told her that much of the land is untamed and that the people have need of quality tools to help them tame this land. I told her they will need her. I told her to do it in memory of this village. Her skill is in much need and all are welcome." She told me she would come when we were ready for her but in the mean time she would start to prepare." Then he turned and started down the path. "What is this place called Angur shouted after him? Grinder stopped and slowly turned to face Angur. " What is this place called?" he repeated. "It is coming and it is called Freedom!"
  11. Ive not been able to log into the game yet but I think this could make things a bit interesting. There is one blatant problem that I see, home server has its iron capped at 50ql. Has this cap been removed in order for home server residents to make higher ql weapons and armor to equal out the "playing" field? If not this creates an unfair advantage to wild residents coming to home to raid.
  12. 1. Fammit - The greatest person and friend I've ever had. I really miss you and wonder where you went. 2. Sparkygal, Sparkyrich - great people 3. Villagers of Tyre - Fantastic people 4. Villagers of Peace of Heaven who are Angurboda and Mouchard. I know I would have given up on my village by now without your help and continued encouragement. 5. Saroman - Always willing to help and I always enjoy our conversations.
  13. Wow imagine how silly I feel. I've been playing Wurm for a year now and never realized that "shaker orbs" cause permanent damage. All this time I thought it was the reinforcement of the wall that actually caused the permanent damage. I guess I will stop using "shaker orbs" to close those mine shafts created by new players learning the mechanics of the game. So glad I found out how evil they are before I permanently make my mines unusable.
  14. I am new to posting in this forum but I am not new to Wurm. I think their may be some confusion about what having a deed "entitles", for lack of a better word, you to. Let's say I have a size 10 village deed, that "entitles" me to a 21 x 21 area that will be patrolled by my deed guards. I get to say what you the visitor, ally, friend, etc. get to do on my deeded land. If I wish I can restrict the placement of other villages or homesteads within 100 tiles of my village. This built in feature seems to imply that those 100 tiles are mine to build on and expand my village as I see fit, after all I can restrict others from deed placement within those tiles. Now enter a Wurm player. Said player comes to my deed, walks 3 or even 25 tiles from the spot where they receive the "you leave ......." message and start building a small encampment to the side of the road I've built for people to have access to my village. I approach this player on many occasions and try to befriend them. This player isn't interested in being friend's with anyone. I inform this player that they will not be able to place a deed where they are at because they are to close to my village. The player then informs me that they are aware of this limitation but they don't care, they want this spot. Further informing me that they can build where ever they chose because they are not violating the EULA. It's true, they aren't violating the EULA. They have built in a "constructive" way and they are not bothering anyone in the area. I wanted to build a cattle farm in the area this player chose to build and now I obviously can't. Now wait, according to my deed I am "entitled" to those tiles because they fall within the 100 tile range and after all I have the control to say yes or no if you want to deed this land. To bad for me I will have to change my plans and when this player decides in 2 months time that they don't like the area or perhaps don't want to play Wurm, they leave. Now I get to wait for the 4 or 5 structures the player built to decay, or I can knock them down myself. Unfortunately running a size 10 village can be time consuming so I will have to wait for the structures to decay. Now everyone that comes to my village gets to walk by these "ruins", nice impression for my town. So I guess Im wondering why there is this built in feature to say yes or no to deed placements, which implies "entitlement", but I have no say if someone takes 2 steps off my deed and starts building.
  15. Why does this keep happening? I heard rumors that someone was trying to attack the server again. Starting to feel like I'm back play Irth again. :-\