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About Oink

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  1. It was a cold, breezy evening on the southern coast of the lands of elevation. The sea tossed and turned and waves violently lashed against the mycelium covered shores surrounding the Black Light. The chimneys of the nearby city, Black Summit spewed billowing plumes of smoke into the already darkened skies and the lingering presence of Libila hung over the land, sustaining a harsh, inhospitable taint. What had once been dense, black forests covering the steep descent to the coastline was now a barren plain, only the stumps of dead pine trees and the occasional shrub remained. The reason for this lifeless scenario was quite apparent - three small specks could be identified, the only signs of life continuing to exist on this still desolace. Upon closer inspection, it could be determined that the 'specks' were in fact three lumberjacks, hailing from the nearby Black Summit. The lumberjacks were strong, exceptionally handsome men, discernible even at a distance, and they went by the names of Oinkpoink, Touchmee and Moonpoppy. Visitors or passersby were not common or expected in this man-made wasteland. It was considered by the lumberjacks to be a solitary place, where they may hone their skills in the trade of woodcutting, while strengthening their bodies - these were hard times, and sturdy fighters were needed to bolster the ranks of Libila's armies. However, as Touchmee readied his finely forged hatchet to take a powerful swing at a nearby shrub, a loud voice echoed across the plain. "Hey, Touchmee" Touchmee paused, stopping his swing and steadying himself. He had been caught off guard by the strange traveler and irritably turned, hatchet in hand, to face the man, who's figure seemed to block the dying rays of sunlight, creating a shadowy silhouette further up the hill. The light made it impossible to identify the man through sight, however Touchmee recognised the voice to be that of the young traveler, Dbendy. After a brief pause, Dbendy asked "Seen any Bears?" Touchmee thought for a short moment. The recent deforestation of the coast had driven the bears east and westward, most had likely fled towards the tundra and would be far from here by now, even still - the chance of sighting one of the fierce creatures so near the city was small... their pelts were prized amongst the hunters of Black Summit. It was questionable however, whether the traveler was skilled, or well equipped enough to tackle such a beast. The young man seemed equipped with rusting, poor quality chainmail, likely forged by one of the lesser smiths of the city. However, Touchmee decided he would not question the young aspiring hunter as not to offend him, merely responding with "Nah" Dbendy said nothing for a moment and simply sat on his horse, pondering his options. However after a brief pause he cheerfully shouted back "Ok, Thanks' The young traveler then rode off into the sunset, probably in search of the bears he desired so greatly. The lumberjacks discussed the situation amongst themselves... would the hunter have any luck in his quest, or would he ride for days, until his horse was weary, encountering nothing but rats and wolves? The men did not know, but silently wished Dbendy luck in his travels, saying a short prayer to Libila, asking that the lands of the dead not take Dbendy should he encounter danger in his travels, as he - the youthful bear hunter - had a great search ahead of him.
  2. This is why you should move to an elevation deed where everyone knows eachother - then longswords worth money will grow on trees for you.
  3. Every village I've been in in Elevation has had multiple armoursmiths that were more than happy to make replacement armour, even multiple set for the PvPers, new or experienced, regardless of how much you die - theres always plenty of armour floating around. Besides, if you're low on armour and a set is looted in PvP chances are it will go to you... eventually you'll probably kill more than you die and start stacking up chainsets
  4. I think you overestimate the value of a basic set of PvP gear in an elevation settlement. Even if you're a brand new player or new to pvp, village mates will knock you up a 70-80ql set of gear very quickly, if you die - they'll almost always be happy to make you another one. The attitude of new-ish players dying that I've seen is 'Ah, I died - Oh well, it was fun', then the villagers offer to make a quick set of gear and the player is ready to go again the same day.
  5. Top Horse Speeds

    Traited hell horses are starting to appear on BL-H, maybe in a few months when it's possible to get 5 speed trait hell horses I suspect they could reach 44-45 km/h as they are supposedly 5km/h faster than normal horses.
  6. If people feel this, then they obviously don't know much about the pvp servers and should probably give it a go, because this really doesn't happen... +1, unless you're TonyGreen and build an obnoxious deed on a mountain near the HOTS territory your deed isn't going to get levelled to the ground in an evening while you sleep. A drain and a few bashed walls? Maybe, depends what kind of defenses you built. I have seen quite a few deeds on both BL, JK and MR Home with nice defenses that would fare well if not better than most of the existing elevation deeds, why not just come and settle here? Your members who want to pvp can do so, and the ones that want to craft can still do so with minimal interruption, frankly, the more players on elevation, the better the pvp.