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  1. Any tips on getting a map such as you have above? Been playing around for a bit now but cant seem to get a smooth shoreline- just massive cliffs right into the water.
  2. WGenerator - Arpy's Edit

    WO maps typically don't have dirt layers that are 100-200+ dirt deep; not sure about recent maps, but JKH had a dirt layer about 60 dirt deep. By flat ridges do you mean the large slopes caused by dirt sliding? If you're using my edit or any map generator that uses my edit you can disable the dirt sliding feature via the "Land Slide" option. Also if you are using my edit you can change the way dirt drops on slopes with the "Cliff Ratio"- you can think of it like setting the surface tension of the dirt; a value higher than 1.0 causes dirt to bead up, while a value lower causes dirt to spread out and "seep" up slopes.
  3. WGenerator - Arpy's Edit

    Sure thing, I think the latest edition should be here: https://github.com/ArpyClarkson/WGenerator If not the source ZIP is not too much different
  4. WGenerator - Arpy's Edit

    Hmm, did you flatten the image in photoshop before saving to PNG? That seems to happen to me when I don't flatten my height map before saving.
  5. WGenerator - Arpy's Edit

    Pretty sure that shouldn't be happening, I see no reason why it would either unless the map you are importing is messed up? Are you setting the max height to the same value before you import the map? I have no idea how to use Github :x I'll work on implementing a biome map importing, there are some serioud bugs that need to be sorted out first though. lets hope it's not the API.
  6. Guess it's a matter of preference, I dislike it though.
  7. I used his code as a starting platform, however I do not think it is ideal as 8 bit number are limited to 256 values; this means that any map that is taller than 765 (255 + 255 + 255) will have "height steps" At least that is the way I did it, it pretty much made 8 bit maps look terrible
  8. WGenerator - Arpy's Edit based off WGenerator by Budda (obviously) Download JAR | Download Source Since my editions have deviated so far from Budda's I have decided to create a separate thread to avoid confusion. For information on how to use WGenerator stock features please refer to the official WGenerator thread by Budda Whats new? Added height map importing from 16 bit grayscale PNG images Added height map exporting to 16 bit grayscale PNG images Added an "erosion maximum slope value" allowing you to fine tune slope erosion Added a check box for "land sliding" allowing you to enable/disable dirt sliding above the set "max dirt slope" Added an input for "cliff ratio" allowing you to choose how much large slopes protrude through the dirt layer How to use the new features: Import Before importing ensure that the file you wish to import is compatible; It must be a PNG file that is 16 bit grayscale (refer to tips on how to make these) Before importing into WGenerator, set the map size and map height settings; map size should be the same size as your height map you wish to import, and height should whatever height the map was designed for To import click "Import" and navigate to your height map, select it and press okay- if the file is compatible and there are no errors your height map will be loaded Export Before exporting ensure that you import or generate a height map To export click "Export" and a 16 bit grayscale PNG image of your height map will be saved to your map folder Erosion Min/Max Slope Set a min and max slope height before eroding your height map Erosion will only take effect between the value of min slope and max slope- you can use this to smooth out cliffs while leaving rough plains, or to smooth out rough plains while keeping jagged cliffs Land Sliding Enable this to enable dirt sliding- that is, dirt slides when the current slope is greater than the average of Max Dirt Slope and Max Dirt Slope Diagonal; similar to how dirt dropping works in Wurm Disable to disable dirt sliding- dirt placement will ignore the current slope and will not slide to other tiles Cliff Ratio Determines how much a slope protrudes through the dirt layer Lower values give smooth terrain with little cliffs, higher ones give rough terrain with bigger cliffs Tips: To create a 16 bit grayscale PNG file you can use Photoshop, World Machine, or another tool capable of exporting/saving to this file type Although many image editing program can open and edit a 16 bit grayscale PNG, many cannot save in this format All features have been implemented into the save/load action system- however, when loading an action file with an imported height map the image must be inside the map folder For help creating nice islands in World Machine 2 here is a nice tutorial: http://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/how-to-create-awsome-terrains-with-world-machine/ Many thanks to Budda for developing WGenerator
  9. You are correct, ore generation is not regional... I was thinking of changing that though
  10. Alright, exporting of height maps is now in as well~ So I guess I'll summarize how my edit works: WGenerator - Arpy's (Xeon) Edit v2.2 Major Changes: Added height map importing from 16 bit greyscale PNG images Added height map exporting to 16 bit greyscale PNG images Added a check box for "land sliding" allowing you to enable/disable dirt sliding above the set "max dirt slope" Added an input for "cliff ratio" allowing you to choose how much large slopes protrude through the dirt layer Most features are self explanatory, or need to be experimented with before they become apparent as to what they do. Care needs to be taken however whenever importing a height map, as special conditions must be met. Technical Notes: Height maps must be 16 bit greyscale PNG images- any other format will either not work or load incorrectly When importing a height map you must first change the map size and max height- if you try to upload a height map that does not match the map size you will get an error All height maps must be square and powers of two (1024, 2048, 4096...) Many features have not been thoroughly tested, so if you come across an issue please let me know JAR: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ryn5cegkjdm6r58/WGenerator-ArpyEditv2_2.jar?dl=0 (Has fix, see below) SOURCE: https://www.dropbox.com/s/59jg7oagggrbekh/WGenerator-ArpyEditv2_2.zip?dl=0 If you are not a fan of the diagonal slopes generated by the latest fix of WGenerator by Budda (like me), here is an alternate version that does not have the fix/diagonal slopes (makes maps look more natural): JAR: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fdwqzkvds6i9ic5/WGenerator-ArpyEditv2_2nofix.jar?dl=0
  11. In the sqlite folder for your server are bunch of "insertwurmcreatures.sql", "insertwurmdeities.sql", ect. There is an insert file for every database. When you rebuild the databases it rebuilds them based off the contents of these insert files. The Soulfall stones are being generated via the "inserwurmitems.sql", and if you open that file up you can see them at the bottom of the list. You can delete these entires and rebuild the database to remove them from a new world. Additionally the "zones" that are creation on initial map startup can be found and removed via the "insertwurmzones.sql". If you want to export the current state of all the databases, you can run the "export-dbs.bat"; What this does is change all the "insert...sql" files to match the current state of the database. So if you make a large HOTA zone on your map and export the database, the HOTA zone will be added to "inserwurmzones.sql" and will be remade whenever you rebuild the database.
  12. Updated my map importer code a tad bit: - Added error messages when you do something the importer doesn't like - You can only import 16-bit grayscale images, such as those made in photoshop or World Machine (uploading anything else will throw an error) - With the addition of 16-bit grayscale support comes the flawless (?) beauty of getting what you upload (no more minecraft map ) As always it is untested, so use it at your own risk? let me know how it works~ https://www.dropbox.com/s/x2wtrj229byqaph/WGenerator-ArpyEditv2_1.jar?dl=0
  13. Oh dear.. added height map importing- needs some work still. Implemented height map importing, but it does has some rather lousy drawbacks: First is that there are only 765 height steps (RGB channels, 255 + 255 + 255 = 765). I don't know of a better way of deriving height data from an image- if you do please let me know Other draw back is that it is not very user friendly, and if you do something wrong it will just sit there and not do anything. I have included the dirt drop fix that was recently added into the program by Budda. I can take it out too if some of you would prefer that I also have not tested this in game, but I would assume it works fine. If you want to try it out: JAR: https://www.dropbox.com/s/v8sxvwknqy8oe0l/WGenerator-ArpyEditv2.jar?dl=0 SOURCE: https://www.dropbox.com/s/98qzw8fz03gnrt3/WGenerator-ArpyEditv2.zip?dl=0 how to use it STEP 1: Make an image. Images need to be square and in Wurm map friendly sizes (1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384) then make sure you save it as .PNG format; if you upload an image that does not meet these requirements it will do nothing. STEP 2: In the generator change the map size and height to match your desired settings (you have to do this first otherwise import will do nothing). STEP 3: Click on import and select your image, once you press "okay" it will begin converting it- might take a bit as always. From there you can treat it just like any other map~ Yay!
  14. NPC modding discussion

    You should see if a modding discussion board/subforum can be made