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Everything posted by zCat

  1. Any clues when this will stop being Beta?
  2. Being able to use a cloth glove (with CoC/WoA) instead of a hand, would be great
  3. Newb protection

    I would like to change the time period for New Player Protections, is the a mod for this?
  4. WO Steam Discussion

    Selling Silver for $ direct from the developer is unique to Wurm, I think it will put people off. Rethinking where silver comes from will be required.
  5. You changed to 21 BC, that helps a lot. I assumed "deed upkeep enabled" meant they were free to create, but I was wrong. When I plant crops I really want to be sure that I will be able to harvest them. Please consider giving small free deeds, 5x5 tiles is enough 3 CR is ok for the first few weeks, especially if deeds are not free, but it will soon make hunting too easy CR=1 is normal setting, for example on WO ahhh I see you changed CR to 1
  6. 3 CR is not well balanced BC 20 for everyone except GMs, who start with horses and carts, does not encourage me to join
  7. -Characteristics start at 20 , so no horses, big problem for me small free deeds + paid upkeep is good I hope the land is flatter than it looks on the map
  8. One tile works for me, but the mining success rate is always 100%, I have # if you want pure % regardless of skill its a float value so do minecode=100.0f; for 100% minecode=30.0f; levelfactor=1.0f I expected 30% success rate.
  9. Bounty Mod, I have defaultBounty=1 but when I kill an unlisted creature, I actually receive 100 Is anyone else getting this?
  10. Spells

    There used to be a mod that allowed each spell to have its difficulty and faith requirement changed. Does anyone know a mod that does this?
  11. I have not had a problem with client mods, but I have not managed to make server mods work.
  12. Closed

    Server is developing really well
  13. I set everything to 0.2 except iron 1.2, gold 0.1, copper 0.3, Adamantine and Glimmer 0.0 Birch, Cedar and a few oak/willow are the only trees that I have
  14. Closed

    Do deeds need silver to create, do they require maintenance How many mobs, how many agressive?
  15. Noone sensible would join an MMO where others have 10 years of skill points, money, rare resources. Needs a guarantee that the new server will never have any connection to old servers, then it should work.
  16. Looks like you have some cliff tiles rather than rock. Mining cliffs is bad, I did it once
  17. Not many people are interested in 1x, especially with few mods Make it 2x or 3x, with some mods if you want people to join
  18. Could the compass mod remember your position, so that when you die your death position can be displayed? Does not have to be too accurate, update position every 5 seconds would be good enough.
  19. River World

    Deed stakes do not work No newbie protection, but everything else is set to easy, so wolf is easy to kill, I took 20 damage using starter skills/gear, killing a bull gives 1.5c, half the trees are oak
  20. When you decide what you want, let us know
  21. The map images that you posted both say NO deed cost, but you are now saying deed cost are enabled
  22. Do you mean that? Assuming no deed cost, do we need silver for upkeep before founding a deed, or do we get a weeks free upkeep?
  23. Please can we see the maps before then, at least for PvE
  24. Elysian Fields

    Sounds like you do not have a plan, perhaps I could recommend some settings 1.5 or 2 skill and action multiplier skills start at 20 characteristics start at 21 (can ride a horse) remove priest restrictions There is a mod which allows skill difficulty to be adjusted, double Meditation, weaponsmith, paving, ropemaking, prospecting skill gain crops do not rot, ash from forges Spawn with a settlement form - can buy a deed spawn with oak, cedar sprouts and cotton ,wemp, pumkin seeds 70% agressive spawns If settlements have upkeep, then creature bounty what size is the map, where is the starter deed?